Berniewood Hogan
Bernie Sanders is a Jew.Bernie is allowed to enter the public arena in a generally disheveled, unkempt state and his appearance is treated as a lovable quirk. Elizabeth Warren looks, by all objective metrics, like a totally normal and put together woman, and she's called a schoolmarm or library lady, and her appearance is held up as evidence of why she can never be President. That's pretty textbook sexism.
Elizabeth Warren makes one genuine "mistake" from literally 40 years ago that has no relevance for her current campaign for Presidency, it's held up as evidence that she's irredeemable and she must step aside. Bernie pretty consistently stumbles around issues of race and gender in the present day, he just learning and we need to support him on his journey to get better. That's pretty textbook sexism.
When you're a member of a marginalized group, you don't get second chances. You're perpetually on thin ice. Nothing is ever a mistake that you can learn and improve from, it's always evidence of a fundamental inadequacy.
I have to reiterate, I really like Bernie and believe he should be given the chance to improve on his weak spots. I would just like to see the same standard applied to Liz.
At a time when Nazism is making a big comeback.
And the President of the United States says he regrets condemning murderous Nazis, believes they're his ultimate base of support, and they're convinced he's Their Guy and he's signaling to them that It's Time.