What? Don't hitch M4A to Warren's legacy. Voters who are M4A fence sitters are not leaving Warren over her healthcare plan. That doesn't make sense and it doesn't correlate with Pete's "rejuvenation" in the polls.
Wait, so now it's Bernie supporters fault for pushing M4A fence sitters away from Warren? It has nothing to do with Nancy Pelosi coming out against M4A? It has nothing to do with Biden and Pete telling voters that they would lose their plans? It has nothing to do with the ad blitz from insurance companies?
Neither of you are reading the Warren to Pete media flop well enough.
The same time period when he says blacks won't vote for him because he's gay and then lies about his support from black representatives he goes UP in the polls. Also the issue is completely swept under the rug at the debates.
I'm telling y'all that you're being played.
That is not my point at all. I myself have said Bernie is better on healthcare than Warren. What I said is the way some of Bernie supporters attacked Warren M4A would not bold well for M4A popularity. I think we forget that the average person do not understand all the nuances in policy. What the average voter see was both moderates and progressives shytting on M4A.
lol absolutely insane, stop tryna to both sides this. One bad news cycle for Warren has you guys absolutely melting down. Bernie twitter isn't that powerful but we were the ones who told you this gonna happen because it happened to Kamala. We told you guys that she still hadn't been through a real negative news cycle and because she almost blew her 2012 senate run, it was likely we'd see her trip over herself. This is her first actual competitive race.
It was Pete that did the most damage and cable news crowning him the winner because he looked like the authoritative figure. She was the plans candidate than all of a sudden she didn't have a plan for that. I think you guys need to figure out why Warren has so much crossover appeal with Pete.
And no M4A is still polling fine and you can get answer you want for it by framing the question in a certain way. The media is hyping up one Quinnipiac poll. Same effect with the NYT/Siena battleground poll that everyone melted down over
Public Opinion on Single-Payer, National Health Plans, and Expanding Access to Medicare Coverage
Anyways you can't blame Bernie people when we've skeptical since she entered the race with her own comments
Again you are missing the point. This is not about Warren going down. It is about support for M4A in general going down. Y’all are so focused on Warren y’all are not looking at the damage M4A as a policy is taking. Some of you are not living in political reality. Even the link you posted states that support for M4A is narrowing. I hear progressives say all the time if you ask the question like this it will be more popular. The reality is most polling outlets are not going to ask the question saying if you get to keep your doctor. BTW M4A is not polling fine. These quotes is from the polling company you cited in your post.
“Medicare-for-all, an issue is on the minds of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents at the beginning of the 2020 primary season but KFF polling finds more Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents would prefer voting for a candidate who wants to build on the ACA in order to expand coverage and reduce costs rather than replace the ACA with a national Medicare-for-all plan”
“And while partisans are divided on a Medicare-for-all national health plan, there is robust support among Democrats, and even support among Republicans, for an expansion of the Medicare program through a Medicare buy-in or a Medicaid buy-in proposal “
This means we are losing the argument.
I’m not both siding anything, it is just a nuanced point. And it was more than just Bernie twitter. It was progressive media in general, and Bernie himself took a small shot at the plan in a main stream media outlet. Never said you can’t have disagreements with the plan. Sam Seder was critical of Warren plan but he did it in a way were it wouldn’t damage M4A itself. And of course main stream media fear mongering hurts more, but that’s a given.
This is major concern for me. Without the threat of M4A we probably wouldn’t even get a strong public option. We can still get M4A up in popularity again but progressives are going have to change the messaging.