My argument make perfect sense, you just disagree. And that’s fine. I have already answered your question several times. I don’t want to keep writing the same thing over and over. You know my answer you just don’t want to accept it.So the core of Obamas plan was the ACA, it was passed.
The core of Biden's plan is the Public Option. Why do you not think that will pass?
You're comparing Obamas to Biden's when Obama's public options was a small contingency of the ACA plan. The public option IS Biden's plan. Why do you think the core of Biden's plan won't pass? Why not just choose a small contingency of his plan like drug prices or drug advertising spending, small aspects of his plan like Obama had with the public option being a small aspect of the ACA.
Your argument makes no sense because your attempting to equate an aspect of Obamas plan not getting through to the very core of Bidens plan. Thats a false equivalency