do u not like Biden? If so why? I don’t get why progressives hate him. Tons of his ideas are monumental progressive ideas
No I don’t like Biden. There are several reasons.
1. He have a horrible history when it comes to Black issues. He was one of the main voices on the war on drugs. He was the architect of the Crime BIll which had crippling results in the Black Community. He saw no problem bragging about working with racist ass segregationist. I have no confidence he would address the economic issues that specifically effects the Black community.
2. He supported the War In Iraq. Maybe the worse foreign policy decisions in my lifetime. I was in the Military when the Iraq War popped off. He was Vice President when we decided to do Air Strikes on Libya. Another terrible FP decision. I have no confidence in him to make the right decision when it comes to foreign policy.
3. He was a major supporter of the bankruptcy bill which was a terrible piece of legislation. He is not for tuition forgiveness or free college. He has a ton of big financial interest that have donated to him over the years. He voted to repeal Glass Steagall which help to create the 2008 recession. I have no confidence in him making the right decision when it comes to financial issues.
4. His starting point on health is a political mistake. He is starting from a moderate position that eventually is going to get watered down. Under a Biden presidency I highly doubt we will even get a public option even though his plan calls for one. And even if we get one it would probably be extremely watered down.
With that said I will vote for Biden if he is the nominee because we must get Trump out of office. And he is a better option than Buttigieg or Klobuchar, but I doubt if we will get any significant change in a Biden administration, which may lead to a smarter Trump getting elected in 2024. Hell,
I’m not even confident he would beat Trump in 2020. His support of NAFTA and TPP will not play well in the Mid West.