Wow 2 Years 24 Mill For Humphries?
I'm sure @ChrisBHaynes trusts his sources just like I do... I 100% don't believe the #Twolves offered D-Will + 2 1st rounders for Batum.
just got a text from Deron saying "this D-Will is NOT me, staying in Brooklyn"
you'll see.
2 yr 24 mill for Hump oh my. How? I guess they don't have cap regardless and ain't like Lopez will rebound anything. 12pt 10rb for hump.
in high school
nets working with a different cap than everyone else?
someone break down the nets current salary.
johnson = 19 mil
williams = 20 mil
hump = 12 mil
wallace = 10 mil
lopez = 15 mil
they in the luxury just paying their starting lineup.
how is this even allowed?
but he already averaged 18 his rook and soph year in the uhhhhh...yeah.
mayo will be fine.....perfect team for him to join. Also gives dirk someone else who can score