Playaz Eyez
I was one of those hardcore fans that stopped watching wrestling a couple of years after WCW's demise. Around spring or summer 2003 I believe. I would occasionally watch a little bit of Raw, Smackdown, and eventually TNA when they got on Spike but really didn't start watching consistently again until CM Punk's pipe bomb in 2011.
This seems to be the sentiment of a lot of people I come across irl whenever wrestling is brought up. I never truly dipped out of wrestling, but it stopped being the must-see tv with every single person throughout every walk of life talking about it for me probably after 2003. Late 04-07 was brutal, which is why I tend to make random threads from that era just to give insight to people who were completely out of wrestling by then. But CM Punk is 100% the reason people got back into wrestling.
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