Breh brehs, Im tellin y all its likely going to work in this case too. The video doesnt matter because as soon as Arbery tried to take the gun it turns legally into a different question for the jury ...
doesnt matter about who started it or the video of it or if they were right in pursuing Ahmsud in the first place. Its all about the moment of the scuffle and the fight for the gun. A reasonable Jury can say that McMichaels was in fear for his life when Arbery and him were fighting for his gun. Same way Zimmerman said that he was in fear for his life when Trayvon grabbed for his gun. Jury had to get him offbased on the stand ur ground law.
This time we actual see a fight for the gun unlike the Zimmerman case.The video clearly shows Arbery and McMichaels fighting for possesion of the gun.
Everyone is in agreement that It was a foolish pursuit of Arbery for the citizens arrest just like it was foolish gor Zimmerman to pursue Trayvon.
But the most serious charge of murder ... the mcmichaels self defense claim is likely to work based on the stand your ground law of Georgia.
Georgia has a similar stand your ground law to Floridas. There is no duty to retreat when u have reasonsble fear that u or someone else is about to die before using deadly force . Its as plain as that.
Thats the instructions the jury is going to get at trial when they deliberate period, they cant look at who started it.
Its very narrow in scope and the question with these type of cases is at the particular moment was the defendant in reasonable fear that he or she was going to die at that particular moment? The law as written really handcuffs the jury
It doesnt matter who started the fight. I would be saying that Arbery can claim self defense if he ended up killing McMichaels and surviving.
With those stand your ground laws, it does not matter who initiated it.
Zimmerman unjustly pursued Trayvon, They fought, Trayvon clearly was getting the best of Zimmerman and Zimmerman shot him because he was getting the shyt beat out of him and according to him Trayvon grabbed for his gun as well and he was in fear that he would die. The Jury acquited Zimmerman based on the stand your ground law and that fact pattern
Thsts what i see with this video too. McMichaels unjustly pursued Ahmaud, Ahmaud was fighting for the gun with McMichaels and McMichaels is gonna say that he was in fear that Ahmaud would grab his gun and kill him with it so he shot Ahmaud
Its a similar fact pattern!!! So brehs again dont be shocked when they are acquited based on the stand your ground law and a similar fact pattern
The stand your ground law is trash and it invites this bullshyt.
Like I said before, states with a no duty to retreat or stand your ground laws when faced with deadly force written into law have to be challenged on constitutional grounds as a violation equal protection under the 14th amendment for this nonsense to stop.
you god damn fukking moron, how do you get passed that