I don't know if this has been mentioned by anyone already but I wanted to say it in here since this has always been our Lakers/Kobe headquarters.
Besides the suddenness of this tragedy and the fact his daughter Gianna was with him, I think this is extremely personal for all of us beyond his 20 years in a Lakers jersey and all of his great accomplishments. To be a Kobe fan, we all felt like we had to fight for his place in the game alongside him. All of us have gotten in arguments online and in real life over Kobe's legacy, while he was still playing and after he retired.
Every other great player has been accepted without caveats for the most part. With Kobe, when it came to non-Laker fans, it was always, "yeah, he's great, but..." You generally don't see people on TV talk about Jordan, Duncan, Shaq, LeBron, Magic, Bird, etc. and bring up a bunch of shortcomings or say they weren't as good as so and so.
He was one of us; that was OUR guy. That played a monster part in the passion of Kobe fans..at least that's how I feel.