Psalm 149:5-9
Man, there would be literally nowhere to run to. They will enslave the world.
That is the elites plan is to enslave the world...that is why their plan is to kill the people that they know are the real chosen people. Which they are supposed to try and kill our people in a mass genocide. It is known in the bible as the hour of Jacob's trouble. That is when they are going to eliminate the current money system and implement a nano based technology microchip that will track your every move, health, ability to spend and earn, monitor your conversation, etc that will be placed in your forehead or right hand. The greek word in the mark of the beast in the Book of Revelations is charagma which means a thing implanted or inserted. Basically make themselves like God...all knowing. Opposing him completely. And if you do not believe this...I had a friend when I was in college over a decade ago that did her PhD in Physics and she was working on nanotechnology in a lab to improve these type of monitoring system. She was telling me how a grain of rice can store as much information as top level computer and I was blown away...this was back in '02/'03. By now, they have to be almost perfected it and think about how much technology has gotten better since the early 2000s.
I agree, that there will not be anywhere to run to when this goes down...that is why the scriptures both the Messiah and Paul tell you that the elect will be taken into the air in during this trouble. The elect is not getting on a plane or boat back to the promise land. The rest that are left behind will die from violence or famine and ultimately the nukes and that's according to the Gospel.