There needs to be a more cohesive message relating to Republicans that doesn’t hinge on racism. Acknowledge the racism and pivot to policy distinctions.
Republicans passed a permanent tax cut for millionaires, billionaires, and corporations but a temporary tax cut for everyday folks. The Republicans intend to stick everybody else with the bill for their tax cuts for the wealthy. (“At best they want to use extending your tax cuts as bargaining chips.”) THIS IS THE MESSAGE!!!
I need to hear that in every tv appearance any Democratic candidate makes from now til 2020.
On a state level, make every election local. Acknowledge the racism, but then bring it back to issues that hit close to home. You do not need to convince black and brown people there are racists out there. You need to convince the “I’m not racist because I have a black friend” people that Democrats have a better path forward.
Edit: And everyone is focused too much on which demo needs/doesn’t need to run for president. Who cares. You need to focus on messaging. It’s there for the taking.