U thought no one was gonna catch u replying to yourself?

U thought no one was gonna catch u replying to yourself?
How y'all get eca?
And that y'all think about fun coin?
Will Doge coin ever be 10 cent?
This is worse than coinsmarket. I've tried to put in an order, both times it has said my order was sent to the order book but then nothing shows up under orders or transactions.
are you using it with metamask?
Yea, I finally got an order to show up on the order book. I'm next in line. $50 got me 128k coins. I'm taking a big chance solely based on how big Kik is among the younger crowd. But $50 ain't really all that much to risk
i got ECA on coinsmarket. I transferred LTC from binance over to coinsmarket (sold some of my brd for eth, then bought ltc with the eth). After i bought the eca, i downloaded the eca wallet and immediately stored it there, bc coinsmarket looked like a crackhouse.
what did you purchase? thought you were going for ECA
Already have ECA, purchasing KIN, Kik's crypto
iirc i got it from eca's website. if you go to coinmarketcap and search for eca, they have the website link there on the eca info page. Go to it and on the site they'll have a link for the wallet and instructions.
I just went there and see what u mean
Where is the official wallet?
I`d rather see a Coin started by black people than see a "black coin" created if that makes sense.