Listen there’s nothing different about Verge today from a week ago except the price.
Same risk wraith will never drop same risk it’s all BS. Only difference is the consumers and how they are reacting.
Plus it sure is getting a lot of attention

verge doing the lavar ball publicity maybe it will work who knows
Again they could not drop wraith and this all disappears instantly but wasn’t that always the risk anyways? Feel bad if you bought in at like .15 cents or higher but thats the game. That’d the risk.
Just don’t have all your eggs in one basket and if you don’t believe it has any chance than sell. Me I’m ok with taking the loss cause at this point verge is the roulette table and my night in Vegas been entertaining enough where I wanna see what happens
Edit: Also take this with a grain of salt. This can really only end one of 2 ways