yooo put me on!!
ok here's a quick breakdown on it. this is what I have done. I use coinbase and metamask. not sure what the steps are for others. first I purchased or rather swapped some DAI for AVAX on coinbase. could do either one. then on metamask you gotta add the avax network.
These are some good steps.
How to Add Avalanche Network to MetaMask - Step by Step Guide
I created a wallet also but don't feel like thats necessary.
So I have the avax on CB and I create the network on MM. I send the AVAX over to my MM wallet. It shows up on the erc side. So I use this website
Avalanche Bridge: Transfer Assets To and From Ethereum
to bridge the coins to the right network. I see coinbase wallet is supported as well as this walletconnect thing.
So i have my avax there and I'm ready to get some smrtr. I then go to their website
But I can't buy on there so the link takes me to traderjoe. Thats another exchange. Pangolin is a good main one on avax also but thats irrelevant. So you connect your wallet and make sure its on the right network cuz it cant be on the eth one but rather the avax one you created. So you swap some coins for smrtr so you can have some of those.
Keep in mind: you can bridge over other coins from the eth network to the avax network. But you do need avax to pay fees, which are much less than eth. And you also need avax to combine them for the liquidity pools. I have some usdc in my MM so I been using that but anything can work I believe tho I could be wrong. Better something stable. I think there's an eth fee for swapping tho.
So you have your avax and smrtr. On the smartcoin farm website, click add liquidity and it'll take you to another trader joe site where you can add coins to the pool. I did max smrtr and had enough avax. could be the other way around. Whatever works. just don't use all your avax tho. so you add liquidity and it'll show on there how many lp coins you have. go back to the smart coin site and there should be an option to deposit your LP coins and confirm them. think it was like two transactions.
then on debank.com, search for your wallet address and at the top it'll give you the list of chains and press the avalanche button and you can track your stuff on there.
Other sites that I been messing with are beefy finance and snowball. here's a good access point for the ecosysytem.
Ecosystem: Marketplace | Avalanche
The tag that says DeFi prolly the best and most needed one but who knows what else is hidden inside this wonderful network.