1 BTC = $8.2k, it’s up 735% this yr UPDATE 5/19: BTC @ $42k :damn:


Jul 5, 2014
Not sure if you have access right now to the pc version but here's what I'm seeing. I have this coin called SHUSKY that jumped up a bit earlier. Nothing too big tho. I figure I'll swap some or all out for now or take my initial investment, get back in if it drops whatever. So I go to uniswap and approve the coin for trading, and then go to swap it out. I get the usual pop up box to confirm and a blue box shows up saying new address detected. I'm like :dahell:. I don't recall putting a new address or anything like that. I check that coin on tokensniffer.com and don't see any marks on there about unable to sell or anything like that. I think maybe its the coin. I try shiba and saitama and same thing. :mindblown:



How my wallet gonna start with 0x4 and they want me to send the coins to some other wallet? :gucci:

Prolly want me to send the coins to their own personal wallet. :mjpls:

That's exactly what I was thinking....spooky hours, indeed. :mjpls:

Not to go on a rant, but it always trips me out how a person could build their portfolio up for weeks/months/years and then someone will try to clean them out. Hater ish. Like it takes brains to be able to pull off those type of hacks, why not use that level of intelligence for something productive
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Aug 13, 2013
Not sure if you have access right now to the pc version but here's what I'm seeing. I have this coin called SHUSKY that jumped up a bit earlier. Nothing too big tho. I figure I'll swap some or all out for now or take my initial investment, get back in if it drops whatever. So I go to uniswap and approve the coin for trading, and then go to swap it out. I get the usual pop up box to confirm and a blue box shows up saying new address detected. I'm like :dahell:. I don't recall putting a new address or anything like that. I check that coin on tokensniffer.com and don't see any marks on there about unable to sell or anything like that. I think maybe its the coin. I try shiba and saitama and same thing. :mindblown:



How my wallet gonna start with 0x4 and they want me to send the coins to some other wallet? :gucci:

Prolly want me to send the coins to their own personal wallet. :mjpls:
Hmm, this kinda reminds me of this post on r/cryptocurrency



Mar 6, 2015
I tried on firefox even and same thing. haven't made any moves from my wallet since saturday other than approving a coin for trading.
Dont approve, sell, or transfer the coins. Get a new wallet or hide the coins from appearing.

EDIT: I read it wrong. Thought you said the coins appeared in your wallet.


May 1, 2012
there’s going to be a lot of ppl trying to hack for coins coming up in the near future imo. the way things are going worldwide, crypto is a perfect platform for that.
be safe out there brehs.


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
Got an update. Did a bunch of research thru google, twitter, reddit, etc., but didn't see much help. Did see a bunch of scammers sending google doc forms with the last question asking for 12 seed phrase so be careful with those. if you come across any just report the tweet or post to try and get the account deleted. The computer scan still running. but I'll likely cut it off and run a quick scan instead of a complete scan. I was able to send 10 million Shib tokens to CB. Most of the coins I have on MM aren't supported on CB tho like saitama, feg, floki, etc. So I said I either keep researching or take a risk. :mjcry:

I put a sell for SHIB to USDC and set it at $75. Gas was like $30. Small amount compared to my stack but it had to be done. The popup came up again about new address. I checked both metamask and zerion for my usdc balance. I hit confirm. The transaction got approved and my balance increased on both sites. :wow:

I don't know if there was an error on the popup that it was showing that or what. I looked at some old transactions and they all seemed to be going from my address to another address and back to mine. Was never a my address to my address thing cuz it has to be swapped with the exchange to give the coins you requesting. Can't convert with yourself cuz it'll be like taking money from one pocket and moving it to another. But I had never seen that new wallet address detected thing. If anyone comes across that in their transactions or sees anything about it when browsing online feel free to share any info you come across so we can all know more about that issue. Hopefully metamask working on an update or fix if need be.


Jul 5, 2014
Got an update. Did a bunch of research thru google, twitter, reddit, etc., but didn't see much help. Did see a bunch of scammers sending google doc forms with the last question asking for 12 seed phrase so be careful with those. if you come across any just report the tweet or post to try and get the account deleted. The computer scan still running. but I'll likely cut it off and run a quick scan instead of a complete scan. I was able to send 10 million Shib tokens to CB. Most of the coins I have on MM aren't supported on CB tho like saitama, feg, floki, etc. So I said I either keep researching or take a risk. :mjcry:

I put a sell for SHIB to USDC and set it at $75. Gas was like $30. Small amount compared to my stack but it had to be done. The popup came up again about new address. I checked both metamask and zerion for my usdc balance. I hit confirm. The transaction got approved and my balance increased on both sites. :wow:

I don't know if there was an error on the popup that it was showing that or what. I looked at some old transactions and they all seemed to be going from my address to another address and back to mine. Was never a my address to my address thing cuz it has to be swapped with the exchange to give the coins you requesting. Can't convert with yourself cuz it'll be like taking money from one pocket and moving it to another. But I had never seen that new wallet address detected thing. If anyone comes across that in their transactions or sees anything about it when browsing online feel free to share any info you come across so we can all know more about that issue. Hopefully metamask working on an update or fix if need be.

Hackers got the entire block hot. I was planning on re-upping on Saitama in my CB wallet and was going to connect my CB account but I remember the last few weeks people been getting hacked smh