The thing is, a lot of guys were coming in here on this thread as pure novices who couldn't wipe their ass with even a 2% btc profit properly, had no idea how to even use exchanges properly, were clueless on gas fees, and just purely ignorant, and we're desperately fomoing in and some people were talking like the shytcoins are sound investments when in reality once you miss that first 100-1000% you're late to the party and are better off starting with another less volatile but still low cap or supply project.
Cause another thing, say you make a few gs off shib right, if all you know is shyt coins you're not finna flip that profit into dot, link, eth, you finna go after asscoin or austism token and more than likely will get your profits eaten alive because you also don't pay attention to any charts and news and get got thinking "my investment up 40% on the week, just like last time!" And then it dumps cause you came in on the tail in.
I'm basically ranting but this whole situation proves 2 things to me.
1. If you're not experienced or a trader and you fukk with a shyt coin, take your initial profit out immediately and if you wanna gamble again just reinvest, so at the least you keep what you made.
2. Never expect this shyt to last a long time until it has lasted a long time.