"Thank You Miz!Thank You Miz!Thank You Miz!" 
he put his hand up and they obeyed without him even asking

he put his hand up and they obeyed without him even asking

It's stockholm syndrome
It's hard to believe the rise of Daniel Bryan was 4 years ago, and back then I thought RAW wasn't very good. I don't think it'll be even be that at that level again. They'll need someone who can separate themselves from their on screen persona and actually write something that makes sense, HHH's NXT doesn't exactly inspire confidence, it's not as good as people think it is.
It was the drizzling shyts. Read results and watch highlights if you must. Not worth 3 hours of your life.I saw Stone Cold and the crowd should've been more hype than what they were. WTF wrong with y'all crowd?
I have to catch up on the show when I can, but how was the show?
See above. Also about a third of the replies are triple/quadruple posts from everybody thanks to the flabby coli servers200+ pages? Raw was that good?
It's only dying in WWE and barely surviving in what's left of TNA. All the other wrestling promotions are doing pretty well.
Professional wrestling has been around for like 100 years. It's not going anywhere but definitely will not reach the popularity of the 80s and late 90s. I could see the WWE running Raw and Smackdown in small arenas like they used to in 1995-early 1997.
So did WrestleMania 2 utilize the whole "event in multiple arenas" thing better, or was it just as bad?
What promotions are doing well? What are they doing to separate themselves from any other indy?
If it really gets to that point, that'll be incredibly sad.