1/22/18: Raw 25 & Enzo Gone! IT'S A CELEBRATION!


May 8, 2012
So yeah, about this show...

:whew: and I don't mean that in a good way.

Still fun to see Stone Cold and the McMahons do their segments. 20 years in, brehs.

These crowds have fallen in love with Nia Jax... she gets the face pop every week now.

Elias is rockin', and they haven't even given him much. When they start giving him feuds and regular storylines, it'll be interesting how over he gets.

Glad Miz got that IC back, but we know what that means...

The backstage segments were hit-and-miss. Brother Love tho' :heh: The APA shyt was cool until like the 3rd time.

The in-ring segments were also hit-and-miss... I guess after awhile, It's like hearing a hit song you've heard 1000 times since you were 15 years old. You'll always remember why it's great and why you loved it so much, but gotdamn, pal. Particularly the DX deal and the Dudleys. Eh.

That Matt/Bray match was possibly the most unnecessary part of the show. Hope it's the end of the feud.

The whole Peep Show segment was blah... only good thing outta that was Jason Jordan's growing heat.

The whole Brock/Kane/Braun segment... eh. Glad Braun is killin' shyt, but they need to build from here. If he's just gonna keep doin' this on RAW but not winning the PPV matches, it's pointless.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
was at Barclays last night (didnt pay). while the energy in the building was dope it got worse after the first hour when Taker was at the Manhattan Center. most of the night was handled POORLY and I hope they dont look at this shyt as a success aside from taking those who paid money. Damn near everyone leaving Barclays was saying it was a terrible show.

Dudes even started booing when Takers music hit and he wasnt in BK, same for DX.



Apr 30, 2012
So yeah, about this show...

:whew: and I don't mean that in a good way.

Still fun to see Stone Cold and the McMahons do their segments. 20 years in, brehs.

These crowds have fallen in love with Nia Jax... she gets the face pop every week now.

Elias is rockin', and they haven't even given him much. When they start giving him feuds and regular storylines, it'll be interesting how over he gets.

Glad Miz got that IC back, but we know what that means...

The backstage segments were hit-and-miss. Brother Love tho' :heh: The APA shyt was cool until like the 3rd time.

The in-ring segments were also hit-and-miss... I guess after awhile, It's like hearing a hit song you've heard 1000 times since you were 15 years old. You'll always remember why it's great and why you loved it so much, but gotdamn, pal. Particularly the DX deal and the Dudleys. Eh.

That Matt/Bray match was possibly the most unnecessary part of the show. Hope it's the end of the feud.

The whole Peep Show segment was blah... only good thing outta that was Jason Jordan's growing heat.

The whole Brock/Kane/Braun segment... eh. Glad Braun is killin' shyt, but they need to build from here. If he's just gonna keep doin' this on RAW but not winning the PPV matches, it's pointless.

100% cosign. The only appearances that really worked was Austin and Jericho. And in Jericho's case he is basically coming off of being the most full time part timer ever so it doesn't even feel like he's a retired legend.

I hope for everyone's sake that they realize that they're getting dangerously close to not being able to rely on nostalgia and old legends to power their engine anymore. There are only two unequivocal legends in Rock and Austin that are big enough to really make a difference. Rock is bigger than wrestling as a whole right now and rightfully shouldn't stop striking while the iron is hot to waste time coming back and continuously saving them. Austin on the other hand, knows his worth and isn't going to oversaturate his value by continuing to pop up and risk looking like DX and Taker when he a) is light years better than anybody he's interacting with and b) not going to be able to eventually mix it up physically at the same level as yesteryear.

Everyone else is looking :flabbynsick: physically or their shtick is so damn dated ("we got two words for ya") that they can't really contribute much outside of the 2 minutes they're on screen.

They have literally exhausted every living legend of the previous eras (including even Sting and Goldberg) to the point of having no one to run to.

They are in a really bad spot now because most of the 80s legends guys are dying off, the 90s guys have been around so much that they're literally overused, the early 00s guys are still hanging on with zero real effect on the product (sans :smugjcena:'s mild impact), and the new guys for the 10s either aren't able to contribute (:bryan:), or have been misused/pissed off (Punk) and mistrusted (Roman and the rest of the guys in he trenches night in and out) to the point of them not having a successor to the clear #1 or 1a/1b guys of the previous era.
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The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
goldust gotta be sick
The original plan for Monday's Raw was for Enzo Amore to wrestle Goldust, in a match that was scheduled for the third hour of the program at the Barclays Center venue. According to pwinsider.com, the booking would have seen the Zo-Train interfere, prompting the Dudley Boys to come out for the save and ultimately put someone through a table.

-- When the Enzo rape story went public early on Monday, WWE was forced to re-book that entire segment, replacing that singles match with the tag team match of Heath Slater & Rhyno vs. Titus O'Neill & Apollo Crews as a way to still get the Dudleys on the show so they could do their table spot. This re-write reportedly occurred as late as 7 PM ET, just one hour before Raw went live.

-- With Enzo off the show, Goldust and Cedric Alexander were also without any roles so they didn't appear, whereas members of the Zo-Train were sent to the Manhattan Center.