Ibushi is also a top level draw.
Why he hasn't gotten a title run in New Japan has only been explained as the company not wanting to give that kind of push to someone that goes by the beat of his own drum and can leave to do his own thing at a moment's notice, leaving the time and push used to elevate the guy got to "waste". I have a very hard time believing that theory, but even if that were to be true, is a very dumb way of looking at things. Not taking advantage of a guy like him while he's at his peak is a missed opportunity to draw more money, make your product more interesting and the chance to create more stars. Even if Kota were to leave once his contract expires, NJ could take full advantage of the time he's with them and make as much money as possible. They have bent over backwards to give Ibushi a special treatment, the fact that giving him a belt is "out of bounds" is baffling to me.