Avengers get stomped badly.
They can't fukk with DB chars let alone DBZ chars.
This is a stomp
They can't fukk with DB chars let alone DBZ chars.
This is a stomp
Let's break it down.
Broly vs Hulk
Gohan vs Cap America
Goku vs Thor
Vegeta vs Iron Man
Tien vs Hawkeye
that's supposed to be impressiveGoku and company destroy mountains,cause earthquakes, tidal waves just powering up.
Broly blew planets up from another planet, even a muuuuuuch weaker pre super sayien Vegeta was capable of blowing up planets the entire Avengers past and present combined couldn't beat Super Piccolo, yet alone Gohan or Goku. Outside of cosmic characters like Thanos,Phoenix/Dark Phoenix,Korvac,Annihulus,Silver Surfer,etc nobody stands a chance against the Super Sayiens or Piccolo. The Avengers would run through Tien,Yamcha,Chouzuu, and Krillen but even they would give them a tough time
I feel completely different about this subject now
they all getting bodied by chiaotzu solothe avengers is a broad ass term for a team. sentry, thor, blue marvel, hyperion, genis, wanda, and monica would flex HARD on the z squad.
that dwarf is getting his neck broken at light speed and tossed back at the other z fighters like garbagethey all getting bodied by chiaotzu solo
that dwarf is getting his neck broken at light speed and tossed back at the other z fighters like garbage
Super Saiyan 2 Gohan >>>>>>> The Avengers
the avengers is a broad ass term for a team. sentry, thor, blue marvel, hyperion, genis, wanda, and monica would flex HARD on the z squad.