For me personally White supremacy is globe... not only are we in Amerikkka suffer from the system but Blacks all over the world are.. I honestly feel we need to all stick together

but there more to it then just sticking together
Here's the problem outside of a few hip-hop fans most people from Africa, thebWest Indies or anywhere else with his black people don't likely see themselves as the same as black Americans.
And this is the mistake that we make Black Americans. This is the state you make even with black Hispanics we assume because they're dark like us they think like us for most of the times they don't.
This goes for Africans as well.What we don't want to admit is that a lot of black Africans see white as right just as much as any African-American.
Some of the people who came here from other countries let's say African countries got here by stepping on other black people. So what do you think they think about us?