Yvette carnell believes nicole hannah jones stole ados playbook and is now benefiting off it


Keep my name out of it
Apr 28, 2014
I am well aware you don't care about any of this stuff. You're a first gen that grew up in an all white neighborhood, you have no reason to care and are clearly only trolling. I mean shyt, you made your first ADOS friend in college lol.

If I wasn't with my nephews at the park watching my dog run around at this dogpark while they hoop I literally wouldn't even be wasting time with this back and forth. It's not like when I see Buddy quoted me I expect an insightful post that will really make me think deeply about what he had to say. It's all trolling.:manny:
You see how I spoke directly on the topic? And once that bullshyt you're waving your pom poms for got exposed, you resorted gol the same old tired ass shyt?

yOuR'e A tEtHeR -- etc 🙄😴

She left yall with zero defense. Cause it's always been bullshyt. Even Tariq picked up on this and exploited it. Get back to watching that dog run breh. Priorities :laff: