Youtuber goes off on Tommy Sotomayor: Call him Ms Tammy, **** Master, Sexist, Racist


All Star
May 2, 2012
No, I had black female friends at my wedding, many of my closest friends are black women to this day. I've never had problems with black women. My wife has always been irrelevant to the discussion, no matter how many times you bring her up. You nikkas want me to keep quiet because my wife is white, but you want to write off all the experiences that might have shaped Tommy's opinion, because you disagree with me and agree with him. Youre a hypocrite. Why the double standard?

Breh, you got a white wife. :mindblown:
Jul 26, 2012
But why would you sit through all that negativity and c00ning? It has to resonate with you on some level to sit through it, even if you "remove the emotion out of it". Its like listening to Rush Limbaugh in the hopes that one day he will say something good... doesnt make much sense to me

It's not like I make a real effort to seek these guys out. I found out about Tommy via the coli like most of these cats probably and out of all the videos that's been posted, I may have listened to 2 of them all the way through.

Most of em I can't finish because they are utterly ridiculous, and even Rush Limbaugh has dropped a gem or two that black people need to hear...Don't ask me how I know......:lolbron:

Bottom line is, pertinent info can come from anywhere. If you start out making sense, more than likely I'll listen further until it stops making sense to me

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
Plenty of good men have been to jail because of child support or a woman lied on him about something. Brian banks is the perfect example of a man that was lied on.

Stop the :cape: my nikka, lets play numbers breh. Most men that get locked up for child support MEAN that they didnt pay money as in they took that money and spend it some where besides on their children. How the fukk can you call a man good if he isnt playing the agreeable amount that is needed to take care of a child? You think they good cuz they drop of 100 every month know damn well it takes more to raise a child :comeon:

If you was dumb enough to stick your dikk (raw at that) into a women that would lie about child support then:russ: the trick is on you nikka, stop simping and see shyt for what it is.

Tommy went raw, got caught up and didnt handle his shyt like a man would and got locked up. No way around that breh, the fact that you co-sign a men thats even on child support says a lot

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Someone may say you have issues with black women because your wife is white is that fair for them to do that? So Out of all the black female friends you had a white woman was who you fell in love with. And tommy has the issues with black women and he has darkskin baby mama.

Theres a couple of key differences between me and Tommy. The first and most important being despite me being with a white woman, I have no problem with black women. I dont have a radio show crying about them every day. And no black woman who knows me has anything bad to say about me.

The other being our actions aren't comparable. As people we aren't comparable. I'm a responsible adult. The only kids I plan to have are with the woman I am married to, so I can raise them in a traditional environment. We aren't having kids until everything is in place to do so. I have been boning raw since 9/11, but the closest I ever came to having a kid "got taken care of" because the chick, like every chick I dealt with in that time, stood way more to lose having a kid than doing what she was doing (going to an Ivy League MBA program).

Contrast that with Tommy. He wasnt married to and had no intention of marrying the broad. He thought with his dikk instead of his head. He skeeted raw in a chick who stood to gain more from getting child support from him. He wasn't financially stable enough to make child support payments, let alone take custody of his daughter. His whole story is riddled with bad choices. And now hes on Youtube regularly shytting on black women. You can't compare the two.

if you want to defend viewpoints, i'm here all day. but i'm not gonna sit here and defend his personal actions as if they're my own.
So you won't defend actions, but you will deem my POV invalid because I don't want to waste my time arguing with a dude who will hang up on me, and already has blocked me from commenting on his videos, as he does with anyone who doesn't agree with him? You are more of a man than he is, I will give you that

said it several times now, what does any of what you're saying have to do with the present. you keep ignoring that but i really want to know. what is bringing up child support have to do with anything when son is taking care of his seed.
Like I said several times, the idea that someone's past experiences have no bearing on their point of view today is ridiculous. Dude refuses to engage anyone who doesn't agree with him and he demonizes black women regularly. You have to be an idiot to think his experience with his baby mother has nothing to do with his views today.

The way SATI goes in on that nikka you would think sotomayor fukked his wife. :pachaha:

Again satill if your love for black women is so great why did you marry a white woman, and yes it does play into the discussion if you gone call him on his issues.

What does it matter? If his love for black women is so great why does he spend so much time demonizing them? Dude blamed a black woman for her son dying in a storm flood when white people refused to help her... the nikka is a demon. Who I married is only relevant to you because you can't refute what I'm saying and feel the need to silence me through questioning my credibility...

But like you goofball nikkas love to say... truth is truth... don't kill the messenger


May 1, 2012
I gota Keep it real about Tommy. Dude does a lot of his commentary for shock value, he trolls, created controversy and of course for youtube views that generate income. I support some of the the stuff he says ,but there is a lot of stuff that I disagree with.

What I don't like about him is the fact that he hates to be called out, he hates to be ridiculed. But he has no problem dishing it out. He calls black women darkies and beasties and acts suprised by the outrage and hate he gets. Also, dude talks a gang of shyt about single mothers, single black unwed mothers. But this nygga has a baby mama and has a kid outta wedlock :mindblown:

There are many times where people intellegently disagree with him and try to debate him with facts, but that nygga will block people on FB, youtube or twitter that challenge his views. Yes, Tommy tells the truth, but he doesn't tell the entire truth. I have disagreed with him on a lot of topics, particularly the derik rose story. (I'll post later)

He will bash all the single black mothers and blame them for all the black communities problems, but he doesn't hold the dusty nyggaz that make all these kids and don't care of em. At least dude can be consisitent and tell the entire truth ,instead of spinning arguments and simply angling his argument to target 1 group of people.

At times Tommy can be funny, the nygga can be hilarious. But he gets too caught up on being right and he shys away from debating with those with valid points. This is my honest objective asessment of Tommy Sotomayor. And I've been a supporter of his shows. I gotta keep it 100 and adress both sides :manny:

Based on the fact you realize he is wrong a lot, why do you insist on supporting him? Does his hatred for black women override everything else enough for you to still be a fan?

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Based on the fact you realize he is wrong a lot, why do you insist on supporting him? Does his hatred for black women override everything else enough for you to still be a fan?

I don't support everything he says. I only support the things that I feel that he has vlid points. I disagree with may things that he says tho. But on the other hand he does bring up many black issues and turn them into dialogue
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
Theres a couple of key differences between me and Tommy. The first and most important being despite me being with a white woman, I have no problem with black women. I dont have a radio show crying about them every day. And no black woman who knows me has anything bad to say about me.

The other being our actions aren't comparable. As people we aren't comparable. I'm a responsible adult. The only kids I plan to have are with the woman I am married to, so I can raise them in a traditional environment. We aren't having kids until everything is in place to do so. I have been boning raw since 9/11, but the closest I ever came to having a kid "got taken care of" because the chick, like every chick I dealt with in that time, stood way more to lose having a kid than doing what she was doing (going to an Ivy League MBA program).

Contrast that with Tommy. He wasnt married to and had no intention of marrying the broad. He thought with his dikk instead of his head. He skeeted raw in a chick who stood to gain more from getting child support from him. He wasn't financially stable enough to make child support payments, let alone take custody of his daughter. His whole story is riddled with bad choices. And now hes on Youtube regularly shytting on black women. You can't compare the two.

So you won't defend actions, but you will deem my POV invalid because I don't want to waste my time arguing with a dude who will hang up on me, and already has blocked me from commenting on his videos, as he does with anyone who doesn't agree with him? You are more of a man than he is, I will give you that

Like I said several times, the idea that someone's past experiences have no bearing on their point of view today is ridiculous. Dude refuses to engage anyone who doesn't agree with him and he demonizes black women regularly. You have to be an idiot to think his experience with his baby mother has nothing to do with his views today.

What does it matter? If his love for black women is so great why does he spend so much time demonizing them? Dude blamed a black woman for her son dying in a storm flood when white people refused to help her... the nikka is a demon. Who I married is only relevant to you because you can't refute what I'm saying and feel the need to silence me through questioning my credibility...

But like you goofball nikkas love to say... truth is truth... don't kill the messenger

nikka you using the same argument to silence the nikka that you claim people here are trying to use on you. Difference is nobody listens to you so who are these people trying to silence you breh? :pachaha:

You can't be using that diversionary tactic when attacikin sotomayor then cry foul when it's used on you breh. That ain't how the game is played and you know it. So the truth is if your love for black women was that great you would have married one. There is no escaping or denying that fact, tap dance around that all you may.


EscoBeard Season Has Returned
May 1, 2012
#CertLife #ITGang
Based on the fact you realize he is wrong a lot, why do you insist on supporting him? Does his hatred for black women override everything else enough for you to still be a fan?

I watch TS's vids for the comedic value. Tommy a bytch for real. Hypocritical. Contradictory. Flat out nonsensical. But he's funny as hell. The combination of his voice and mannerisms pause be having me in tears. I take everything he says with a grain of salt. I mean how you talk shyt about dark skin chicks yet your woman is Darkness Incarnate?

The dudes who legitimately follow him got issues.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
nikka you using the same argument to silence the nikka that you claim people here are trying to use on you. Difference is nobody listens to you so who are these people trying to silence you breh? :pachaha:

You can't be using that diversionary tactic when attacikin sotomayor then cry foul when it's used on you breh. That ain't how the game is played and you know it. So the truth is if your love for black women was that great you would have married one. There is no escaping or denying that fact, tap dance around that all you may.
This makes no sense. Would you change your mind on anything I am saying if my wife was black?

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Bc you going so hard at him seems like a way to compensate what you feel was a betrayal to your ebony queens (your marriage to a white woman)
I dont feel like I have betrayed anybody, and I dont do anything that comes off that way. Tommy's constant berating of black women comes across as unresolved issues with them.

Again, why would me having a black wife change your mind about what I'm saying?

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
So yall can sit here and kick dirt on woman all day for not taking care of their responsibles but :cape: for a nikka that didnt live up to his own...

:heh: alright
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
I dont feel like I have betrayed anybody, and I dont do anything that comes off that way. Tommy's constant berating of black women comes across as unresolved issues with them.

Again, why would me having a black wife change your mind about what I'm saying?

It wouldn't if i had alreay formed an opinion on the subject matter at hand, it would however help in solidify your stance of allegiance to black women by providing an example of such with you personal life and not just well thought out words and good debating skills on the internet. So yes you marying a white woman does take away from the points you make bc all a nikka got to say is if you love black women so much why ain't you married to one. If that nikka tommy was lying why don't you provide us an example with the woman you choose to marry.