1) Awful/aimless commentary during matches. Good commentary can make a bad match good, and a good match great. Bad commentary can match a good-great match a chore to sit through.
2) Multiple high spots with little selling.
3) The champion coming out first.
4) Entrance themes leading to run-ins. This didn't always happen, but I'd say since 2009, this is the norm. Even when a person is simply standing at the top of the entrance for a distraction, they'll play the theme music
5) Massive amount of chair shots/weapons/blood when it's not needed. Along with this, blood pouring in the opening minutes in a match. That's why I can't watch too many CZW matches. Builds make it more effective.
6) Gimmicks with potential getting killed out of nowhere with no rhyme or reason. The first thing that pops in my head is Michael Tarver in a suit backstage just lurking. I was actually interested in what it would lead to....then POOF, gone. (that may be an outlier since head got into some verbal altercation with Cena and that led to his dismissal).