Question for everyone: what’s the best year of this decade? Or is it too soon to really evaluate?
A Prophet was 2009
Whew, I was gonna have another rewatch to add to the queue

Question for everyone: what’s the best year of this decade? Or is it too soon to really evaluate?
A Prophet was 2009
Heres mines no order for now:
Dr. Sleep
The Accountant
Shutter Island
Gone Girl
Get Out
A Star is Born
Ill leave one spot open .
Question for everyone: what’s the best year of this decade? Or is it too soon to really evaluate?
2016.Question for everyone: what’s the best year of this decade? Or is it too soon to really evaluate?
In no particular order:
The Wailing
Like Someone In Love
Kill List
Before Midnight
A Separation
The Act Of Killing
I could probably swap some of these out depending on what comes flooding through my head, but this is my list at this moment in time.