Capcom clearly has some of the dumbest PR people working. 
Kill off Michael B? Are you talking about Johnny Storm? I'm confused breh, help me out. My bad in advance

This off subject, but since I'm griping about Marvel pettiness, Michael B. Jordan a good one cause ain't no way they would have killed me off in a comics like they did and I would let that shyt ride and be working for them. I hope he get his paper, but I would have been up at Marvel Comics letting them know to keep me out of their little issues with Fox. Kill the character all you want but pretending to kill me cause you mad about something else...nah, I don't play like that. Somebody would have been having to explain to me why they thought that was even an option.
Kill off Michael B? Are you talking about Johnny Storm? I'm confused breh, help me out. My bad in advance