You said something he didn't like, that means you are automatically stanning Disney. lolWho's stanning Disney?
ME MUTHAfukkA!Who's stanning Disney?
Everybody knows Wolverine, Magneto, and Storm..if you live in North America, South America, or know who they are over the last 25 yrs or you never came out of your house.He's not wrong.
A whole generation of kids think x-men is just wolverine and friends.
A 8-9 year old boy could definitely go his whole existence without knowing who cyclops is... and if they do know him it's as some throwaway sidekick character not worth mentioning.
Get self-righteous over fiction and lose millions in the process brehs.This off subject, but since I'm griping about Marvel pettiness, Michael B. Jordan a good one cause ain't no way they would have killed me off in a comics like they did and I would let that shyt ride and be working for them. I hope he get his paper, but I would have been up at Marvel Comics letting them know to keep me out of their little issues with Fox. Kill the character all you want but pretending to kill me cause you mad about something else...nah, I don't play like that. Somebody would have been having to explain to me why they thought that was even an option.
Get self-righteous over fiction and lose millions in the process brehs.
Complaining would just force Marvel to tell him to go away and they will still kill him in the comics.Personal preference I guess, I'm not really about to play with someone pretending to take my life for shyts and giggles cause they mad at someone or something else. Got folks out here shooting up theaters thinking they a movie villain, I'm cool on some deranged butt hurt fan getting any ideas. And with their history of paying people, I'm sure he ain't getting millions.
Complaining would just force Marvel to tell him to go away and they will still kill him in the comics.
This is just his first Marvel movie tho. Sequels are likely. Plus Disney makes other movies he could be in going forward. Yeah millions.
That ain't the X-Men. Where's Magneto and Mystique?I still remember the X-men