Back in the day, my homie and I would put on full-blown action figure wars with ALL our toys, comin up with storylines and shyt
Peep nikkas, my base of operations consisted of these two majestic playsets
Set them two up on the floor, and that was our Autobot City
Then you put this nikka up on the couch as our moonbase
Then we had to get the battle units together. As follows
First, the Kenner Batman Returns toy line was the GOAT Batman toy for this type of setup. They was our brave 300, if you will. I pick8ed whichever was my favorite to be Bruce Wayne, 2nd favorite was dikk Grayson, Robin was Tim Drake obviously, and the rest was dudes he had to train for the great war
2nd unit: These nikkas
Actually, any combination of X-men/Marvel heroes you had lyin around. We all had random ones. I had the base Xmen figures, with the blue/yellow Wolverine and Cyclops leading the way. The 2nd half of that unit was lead by Captain America and Spider-Man, leading other random Marvel dudes, and some randoms you may have from the X-Force line.
There was my spy. I used this version of Cable and gave him the abilities he had in the X-men Animated Series, with that Cube that could do all that good shyt.
Then random soldiers made up of odd toys that were scale with the main figures. We even got our vehicles together.
My 4 main leaders of this whole thing was Superman, Batman, Captain America, and Cyclops
Villains pended on what story we wanted to go with. I remember one time it was Apocalypse, and he merked Flash and the reformed Venom. Superman raged-mashed that nikka like he was the Hulk, only to find out that when he shattered Apocalypse's body, inside was the dying remains of Martian Manhunter, who became Apocalypse in the future!!!
Damn, I miss them days