Art Barr
A company in a ratings crisis turning to Baron Corbin would be unspeakably stupid. Just like ROH turning to Taven when literally fighting for survival. Think of all the people (esp black) spoken of on here as not being championship material, but Corbin is.
nobody would watch aew.
if Vince properly booked lashkey versus brock.
instead dumb ass vkm.
is gonna wait till the match is So washed corny.
that when we finally get a real matchup between both the best super heavyweight over six foot guys amateurs of the last gen.
with all the ability and ring speed in the world.
instead the somehow still wwe viewers.
Continue to watch and get their intelligence insulted every week, year to year like clock work. Till the one of three amnual stereotypical, gosh i am sorry vkm relaunch that only last six weeks. Then you back to the doldrums of the trash compacted heap of vkm's racist garbage trash ass ideas.
vkm is lucky heyman never had wcw money.
plus wcw was ran.
by a completely bigger idiotic disconnected low quality factory based glorybound.
lucky to be the benefit of the trickle down draw of eye of the tiger.
or it would be a completely different story.
art barr