Not to step on the thread, just had the random thought..
But am the only one who doesn’t really see the appeal in watching match catalogs anymore?
I used to. In those years, my answer would be Danielson..
But as I’ve matured, I feel like the show in its entirety - the feud, the drama and everything surrounding in context to the match is what really makes the story the guys tell in that ring for me.
For instance Triple H vs Cactus Jack from royal rumble 2000 is probably my favorite match of all time, but the story surrounding it is what really put it together and gave it that edge to me. Seeing homie get dragged to the show in a cage, all the mideon skits etc.
in my super purist years I was right there with ya’ll, but these days I get really no pleasure in downloading some random ass match and watching off the strength. Maybe I’m burned out on wrestling in that sense? Anyone else feel that way too? Like I can’t just download some random 5 star PWG match and find enjoyment no matter how hard I try these days. shyt does nothing for me. Did I lose my love for the game brehs?