Ayo this is from when I was still living in Orlando.
My best friends cousin is an aspiring rapper, has been for as long as I've known him. He's also been wack for as long as Ive known him.
In the beginning I would hang with him thinking it might lead somewhere, I'd give him tips about his bars and hooks and flows etc. This stopped April 14th 2009 when he asked us to be his entourage at a battle some folka had set up.
Now, lets get this clear - I'm a burbs dude, I got fam in the ghetto but my pass stops when I'm not with them. I got money from birth and during this time I was working at fukking Epcot. I'm not soft but I'm not ghetto, neither are most of my friends and definitely not this 'rapper' im talking about.
So alright we join him, going to some elementary school where the youth can have access to the gym areas for recreation once a week. We show up, looking and smelling like money and nothing but ghetto folk in there - most of them latino. One Columbian dude actually also worked at Disney so first thing I did was dap him up.
Ok, dudes start battling. They're pretty much l wack so im thinking, our guy won't do that bad. He stepa up against a Mexican dude tatted up with God knows what, the Mexican dude goes first - he's alright but he felt the need to point out that we dressed like The Fresh Prince in the final seasons, we chuckled because we felt we had to
My dude steps up, and no lie he opened like this (remember we're all Burb brown folk):
'Ayo I'd tell you that you're shyt but my shyt would get pissed off
Me and my niccaz Arizona dog we spit the spics out '
I was

, i immediately saw dudes puffing up their chests. He went on and later said (btw I'm half Indian, not native American Indian but India Indian):
'I roll with Indians (points at me) that said fukk the British
I roll with Americans (points at his own and my boys black asses) said fukk the British
My flow is revolutionary fukk the British
Your people got drunk drugged and fukked by British
Genocide it's a genocide (he sang this) y'all just vanished'
I'm an atheist but I swear to god that's what he did.
There wasnt any violence but thet ignored us for the rest of the night and wr bounced early. On the ride home I told him he was wacker than Memphis Bleek, hes the only person I ever defriended on Facebook. Last I heard hes still wack plus theres some dudes looking for his ass causr he ripped them off beats or sth.