Save the emotional ass tough talk.
You came in here beating your chest about Yoruba's specifically(and don't front like you didn't try to downplay Igbo contribution like yall dont have genetic overlap), when regarding AA's, yall folks had some of the least amount of influence on us period to be honest.
No one denies that region is a significant part of our's just YOUR folks of that region weren't really factors.
Cry about it.
I don't do emotions, I'll break your skull for you calling me a lil nikka. Watch your mouth.
It's now obvious that you're someone's alternate handle and you have an agenda, you m0ron. And it's pretty clear now that you didn't even read the thread and you just jumped in the fray and started making wild accusations.
@Akan can you please explain to this obdurate m0r0n how the discourse between you and I started? My initial argument with you was that the Bight of Biafra contributed the largest pool of slaves to the US and that means they're most likely Igbos and Nigerian groups in that region of Nigeria. But you vehemently denied it and said that there were a lot of Cameroonians and folks from Fernando Po (Equatorial Guinea or Bioka) there. And the only reason why I shifted to the Yoruba marker today is because it's easier to defend and I said the marker most likely represents Southern Nigeria-Benin/Togo-Ghana cluster (West central Africa) since the people are related. But this m0r0n who can't read and probably one of these fakkits with low self-esteem said I'm downplaying Igbo. Can you see how idiotic some of these internet fakkits can be?
Nikka, you're a coward. Be man enough to post under your real handle and stop hiding like a bytch. Flaming fakkit.
@Akan I tried opening the new research paper you posted but it's affecting the my laptop because I'm doing something else and I've about 15 other pages opened. I'll check it tomorrow and post a reply.