Yawl ever realize how insulated life is as a human? (Herd mentality)

Dec 29, 2016
Like bruh unless you are constantly pushing boundaries and gettting out of your comfort zone you living like Groundhog Day. nikkas talk about the same 5 rappers, watch the same movies with the same recycled actors and plots, talk to the same people, wear the same clothes drive the same cars, etc. nikkas even have the same dreams. Like mane it’s a world of limitless possibilities and nikkas be doing the same socially approved bullshii.

And it’s so bad that even the contrarian black sheep muthafukkers even have they own rules which is usually to do the opposite of whatever the mainstream is doing. But a black sheep is still a sheep so whatchu expect.


Jan 1, 2018
Thinking for yourself and then actioning the reasoning will make you exceedingly lonely as you'll come to operate on wavelength that others simply cannot tune their awareness to nor comprehend. Forget equality from that moment on as its not happening as the rest haven't done what you did to create your perspective and thus they're either amused, confused or bemused. The women, however, do find it really, really attractive and want to get next to the one shining and totally unlike anyone else they've ever met but this is mainly so they can turn to their friends, point between their legs and say "I got him. You didn't" as its in their nature to be competitive.

You were born into a System that is very, very efficient at brainwashing Souls that step into the Game via conditioning to perform as expected and very few of them realize that over 80% of their life after 26 is a complete and utter retread thanks to the fact they've been lulled into a state of socially sanctioned ignorance. Even to contemplate this goes against the grain of their inculcated consciousness that is akin to a ringed fence that says "Danger High Voltage" so they go nowhere near it, preferring to remain penned in to their Zone of Discomfort aka the devil they know best.

The Warrior is he who walks up to these limits and realizes they aren't plugged in and thus there is no voltage anyway and thus begins the unraveling of the programming and the simultaneous resurrection of the child within.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
The matrix is a documentary not a movie. It's called programming and brainwashing. Literally everything we do is because of either our parents, cousins, friends who did it or what was see/seen on Tell-LIE-Vision and social media. The music we listen to also plays a role as its been discussed on here multiple times.

The minute we was born we had no say so on what we learn, parents are forced to put kids in indoctrination camps aka school or face jail time all to program our minds on how to live in this society, being the obedient worker ant they train you to be. Go to school, go to college, have student loan debt, get married, trade your time/life for the worthless paper they deem valuable until 65 and THEN you get some crumbs you saved up to live but by then you're feeble, little to no energy nor zeal to do much anyway. Such is life on planet earth. Those who are immensely mentally tough/resilient, the ones who question everything, usually rebellious be the ones to break free of the clutches. Unfortunately we're talking bout a small minority capable of doing this.

The minute you question the machine or go against the grain you'll be ostracized or be labeled a problem. What's sad is when you break free but realize your parents, peers etc are still trapped in the sheep mentality they were programmed to abide by :francis:


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks


Even on the court we stay flyy, Jada & A.I.
Nov 18, 2016
So what steps have you taken to detach and break up the monotony op?

Or is this just a dear diary sort of ordeal going on in here, cuz Ive only seen you point to a perceived problem....but have offered up no solutions. So why look down on the ppl apart of the program when you yourself are as well lol?

You'll be on the coli today, tomorrow, and the days that follow. Youll eat more less today, what you ate a couple days back.You got on a shirt rn that you had on last week. Such is fukkin life man. That's what being an adult is, monotony..... whether you're content with what you're doing in that everyday monotonous routine is another matter.

Honestly, you sound like someone who doesn't wanna grow up, or that just hasn't found their passion yet....cuz when you do, you'll be glad to repeat the same day over and over.

Put your money where your mouth is, and pull a Forrest Gump. Pack you a bag, and just hit the road nikka. Cuz fam, I PROMISE you your days will be very different from day to day on that journey lol.

I'm just teasing, but this thread is rather pretentious
Dec 29, 2016
So what steps have you taken to detach and break up the monotony op?

Or is this just a dear diary sort of ordeal going on in here, cuz Ive only seen you point to a perceived problem....but have offered up no solutions. So why look down on the ppl apart of the program when you yourself are as well lol?

You'll be on the coli today, tomorrow, and the days that follow. Youll eat more less today, what you ate a couple days back.You got on a shirt rn that you had on last week. Such is fukkin life man. That's what being an adult is, monotony..... whether you're content with what you're doing in that everyday monotonous routine is another matter.

Honestly, you sound like someone who doesn't wanna grow up, or that just hasn't found their passion yet....cuz I guarantee when you do, you'll be glad to repeat the same day over and over.

Put your money where your mouth is, and pull a Forrest Gump. Pack you a bag, and just hit the road nikka. I PROMISE you your days will be very disparate from day to day lol.

I'm just teasing, but this thread is rather pretentious
fukk is your bytch ass talmbout I offered a solution in the first sentence dummy :dahell:

Kurt off them percs

With Booker T wife
Sep 24, 2012
Some of y'all need therapy and it shows.
This isn't the place to vent your issues, you're not gonna have a good time.


Nov 29, 2019
Thinking for yourself and then actioning the reasoning will make you exceedingly lonely as you'll come to operate on wavelength that others simply cannot tune their awareness to nor comprehend. Forget equality from that moment on as its not happening as the rest haven't done what you did to create your perspective and thus they're either amused, confused or bemused. The women, however, do find it really, really attractive and want to get next to the one shining and totally unlike anyone else they've ever met but this is mainly so they can turn to their friends, point between their legs and say "I got him. You didn't" as its in their nature to be competitive.

You were born into a System that is very, very efficient at brainwashing Souls that step into the Game via conditioning to perform as expected and very few of them realize that over 80% of their life after 26 is a complete and utter retread thanks to the fact they've been lulled into a state of socially sanctioned ignorance. Even to contemplate this goes against the grain of their inculcated consciousness that is akin to a ringed fence that says "Danger High Voltage" so they go nowhere near it, preferring to remain penned in to their Zone of Discomfort aka the devil they know best.

The Warrior is he who walks up to these limits and realizes they aren't plugged in and thus there is no voltage anyway and thus begins the unraveling of the programming and the simultaneous resurrection of the child within.
