Ya'll notice how the #Inherently movement has "certain" posters on edge?


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
If you speak to cops and people in the legal system you may find that many hold an... alternative view. I'm not going to pretend like I'm an expert on the 'war on drugs' but, as the saying goes, correlation doesn't imply causation.

have you heard any of these alternative views, care to share them with us so we might be see the bigger picture instead of making everything about race?


Non Sequitur

May 7, 2012
The 3rd Degree
If you speak to cops and people in the legal system you may find that many hold an... alternative view. I'm not going to pretend like I'm an expert on the 'war on drugs' but, as the saying goes, correlation doesn't imply causation.
If a law produces racist results, it's a racist law. They can try and spin it however they want, it doesn't change a thing.

End Cruelty

Yuffie butter!
Mar 14, 2014
There's also a law in Georgia that says you can't light a candle after dawn. There's stupid laws everywhere. The fact that you want to quibble about penalties for illegal activities and you feel that's racism is mind boggling. Instead of fighting the law, why aren't you fighting the fact that you have people in your community addicted to drugs?

It's you who don't know what real racism is!

And me baking baseless assumptions? You're the one that trying to unnerve everyone with some sort of silhouette of your life that lends itself to this argument. Like I said, you haven't experienced real racism nor do you know what it is. The battle that is necessary is at a community level and inward, not one that is outward. Get blacks of drugs and being productive and you won't have problems with discriminatory drug laws.

As far as the crack in general, any moron with a degree knows why crack has higher penalties. It's because it can be more addictive, it also is typically mixed with other harmful chemicals, it's cheaper and in more supply to regular people, and the fact it was put in impoverished communities and ravished these communities the thought process was to evoke higher penalties to deter the dealing of crack.

Has nothing to do with race but obviously, you have your agenda and that answer doesn't fit your agenda. You claim it's a discriminatory law, I'm assuming based on race - so you think racists rather have blacks in jail then to have them dying on the streets OD'ing off crack?

That was an example. There are a whole system of laws that function to discriminate. This system has been in place since before this country was founded.

And yes, you are making baseless assumptions about my life. You painted a picture of my life out of thin air despite that fact that I provided no details about my background. What proof do you have that I have never experienced racism? I don't know why you would even try to make that a point for argument.

I find it hard to believe that the crack epidemic (keeping with the example) has nothing to do with race considering the stereotype most people have of a crackhead. As far as the prison system goes, I'm not sure if that's a serious question. Blacks are 12% of the population but are the most incarcerated. There is no way that we are committing all the crimes. While the points you made about crack are correct in my opinion, that doesn't rule out the discrimination.

Suggestion: Why don't you take a step back and ask yourself why you are even having this conversation? We obviously aren't going to listen to your advice, no matter where we stand on the issues. I also suggest that you stop replying to everyone's posts as if we're some monolith of entitled negroes. You continue to demonize yourself with an unemotional rhetoric full of fallacies. I've said multiple times that I don't believe white people are inherently evil but this exchange of words with you is evidence to the contrary. What is inexplicable is why someone would try to prove that racism doesn't exist. The only rational explanation for that would be that you are a racist. Are you a racist?

End Cruelty

Yuffie butter!
Mar 14, 2014
If you speak to cops and people in the legal system you may find that many hold an... alternative view. I'm not going to pretend like I'm an expert on the 'war on drugs' but, as the saying goes, correlation doesn't imply causation.
What's the alternative view? :dwillhuh:

Mr. Pink

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
If a law produces racist results, it's a racist law. They can try and spin it however they want, it doesn't change a thing.
I guess, but my contention was more about the "destroying the black community" part.
What's the alternative view? :dwillhuh:
As you say, crack was sold predominantly in black areas. The issue was that those areas were also hotbeds of violence. Other than the Miami area(which was cartel ground zero) the traffic of powder cocaine or other "white" drugs was way more spread out geographically, and also didn't have the same level of violence associated with it. The traffic of crack cocaine was both localized, which made it easier for the cops(fish in a barrell) and also highly violent.

The alternative view is that crack laws were purposely harsher because it was an easier way of stemming the tide of violence. It's harder to make a murder charge stick than to roll up on a corner and bag someone for a few grams of crack.

End Cruelty

Yuffie butter!
Mar 14, 2014
I guess, but my contention was more about the "destroying the black community" part.

As you say, crack was sold predominantly in black areas. The issue was that those areas were also hotbeds of violence. Other than the Miami area(which was cartel ground zero) the traffic of powder cocaine or other "white" drugs was way more spread out geographically, and also didn't have the same level of violence associated with it. The traffic of crack cocaine was both localized, which made it easier for the cops(fish in a barrell) and also highly violent.

The alternative view is that crack laws were purposely harsher because it was was an easier way of stemming the tide of violence. It's harder to make a murder charge stick than to roll up on a corner and bag someone for a few grams of crack.

:ohhh: so it was about stopping violence. all this time i had Reagan and Bush pegged wrong.

lol. nah, but on a serious note, i never really put it together like that before.


Jun 4, 2012
More of us black people not being afraid to be vocal and educate ourselves and others on race and racism on a global scale and from a historical context= "The black st0rmfr0nt" to them (even though this was disproven by @Tommy Knocks in a thread I have not had the full opportunity to peruse in full)
This is why I f*ck with this board to be honest. It helped me out and I've learned so much. This really isn't present on other hip-hop boards in my opinion. Especially considering the majority of the posters on those other forums/sites are non-black and there aren't that many black posters who are educated enough on those boards to challenge racist thoughts and opinions to the point they seem soft and almost like c00ns (I hate saying that word and using it honestly). I've seen it happen too many times. White/non-black posters make racist statements/threads and these black posters co-sign them cause they don't know any better and it resulted in some shameful and depressing reading material.

I refuse to stay silent anymore honestly. Coming up in Pittsburgh and predominanty white academia I've had too many white colleagues and associates try to silence me and drown out my opinions cause it made them uncomfortable. I'm too old to do that now and I refuse to comfort the ignorance of others or tap dance for them.
word. We shouldn't stay silent... that's why I stopped with the corporate career and am independent so I can do what I want say what I want.

We just have to be careful... I just destroyed a CAC business relationship recently... cac kept asking me about my background... and when you get used to not giving a fukk for so long, not being in a work environment and hangin with problack people for so long you say shyt like... "yeah i got medals for killing brown people for crakker politicians and truth be told if it weren't for supremacy dumb crakkers like you wouldn't even be able to do business with people like us"

You say "This is why I f*ck with this board to be honest. It helped me out and I've learned so much" ..... I say it's time to bring it off the boards.. I see more young black professional doing this. It seems risky but it's really not.... shyt wtf do we have to lose. you can't pay rent you're still a ****** to them, you own businesses purchase a benz- you're still a ****** to them... Even the whites i do get along w would want to hang my son if this was the 1930's..... We should be kings to ourselves and never be scared.



YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Government agents lured a drug dealer to the park in front of the White House to buy crack for a prop in President Bush's televised speech on drugs, a move the President testily defended today.

''I think it was great because it sent a message to the United States that even across from the White House they can sell drugs,'' Mr. Bush said in response to questions from reporters about the incident, which was reported today in The Washington Post.

It was an embarrassing turn of events for the White House, however. With the country and the nation's capital ensnared in a drug problem of immense proportions, there did not seem to be a need to confect a situation to suit the needs of a speech. In the District's Southeast section, within a couple miles of the White House, drug dealers can be found in abundance. Bush and Reporters Clash

read the rest here..

White House Set Up Drug Buy in the Park For Bush TV Speech - New York Times

Mr. Pink

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
:ohhh: so it was about stopping violence. all this time i had Reagan and Bush pegged wrong.

lol. nah, but on a serious note, i never really put it together like that before.
Like I said, I'm no expert. I don't know if it was "fair" or even if it had the intended effect(probably not), but my point is don't always look for conspiracy because more often than not incompetence is enough of an explanation.

It's not just with crack, in all areas there is usually enough 'wiggle room' so the G can, if they feel you deserve it, take punitive measures. Case in point: if you or I were to be somehow arrested for a bookmaking charge we would probably get a slap on the wrist. If an Italian mobster was arrested for the same bookmaking charge best believe he will do a few years. Because even though it's the same crime, the G knows that the mobster did way more dirt than that. But they can't prove it. So they compensate with this. The G can always punish you if it wants to.

It's not just an American thing. It's probably been going on forever. In medieval times the feudal lords used to make laws as ambiguous as they could. Why? Because it increased their power to dispense justice as they saw fit on a case by case basis.

Mr. Pink

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
Do you agree with that?
I'm not sure. But I believe that the people that told me so believed it.

I guess if I'm being perfectly honest, the answer is both yes and no. Often the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Some people probably had genuine intentions. And some people were probably licking their chops at the influx of prisoners in their prisons.

End Cruelty

Yuffie butter!
Mar 14, 2014
lmao...i just had another idea. seeing as how we can't in all honesty say white people are inherently evil yet, i propose we make a kind of doomsday clock. Everytime something atrociously racist happens, we'll move it one minute closer to midnight (#inherently). that shyt would be hilarious.

:lupe: 5 minutes?