Y’all don’t know sh*t about this virus!!!


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
They are being reported along with the covid deaths. Its not major news because it's been around a long time, we have vaccines, and has a death rate of well below 1 percent. The overwhelming majority of medical experts say this is worse than the flu, and will have a higher death rate, period.
You think mixing in deaths is the move now? Seems like the media got another one on this issue. Its been around a long time but tens of thousands were still dying every year but none of you dudes were concerned? Seems like like I said the media tells you dudes when to and when not to be concerned. I seriously also need you cats only to stop parroting the death rates and flatten the curve and the rest of this trendy sayings like y'all truly know what y'all are talking about. We don't know for sure if there is a higher death rate because they out here messing with numbers and nobody knows exactly who does and doesn't truly have it.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Where tf do you live where everyone is forced to stay indoors? Groceries are still open. Food and utility workers are still providing services. And 60k people dead in two months is a crazy statistic. If there were mini 9/11's every day for two months, and thousands of people were dying daily, people would be absolutely terrified to leave their homes and rightfully so.

Really if you're a non essential employee or unemployed they don't want you leaving your residence except to get food and medicine. You can "responsibly social distance" and go outside for fresh air and exercise but they would prefer you do that in your yard. And if you don't have one then stay inside. Of course they don't want to SAY that, given how people have already reacted, but it's implied. People have only realized recently they aren't supposed to be visiting friends and family.

So yeah, if you're following strict social distancing as it pertains to shelter in place orders, you really are supposed to be in your house unless critically important. When people realize this and then realize there is no reasonable, consistent or in some cases even established exit strategy for their area they are going to get upset.

Italy is in Phase 2 of reopening and now you have permission to see close family and romantic partners again. I think four million people are also allowed to return to work. They still can't see distant relatives or friends yet. Or maybe they can, it just depends upon the region as the local leaders are making their own rules. Of course that makes a death weary, economically crushed, and formerly imprisoned population confused and upset. I expect much worse here as things ebb and flow virus wise and individual states try to save themselves.


May 27, 2012
The media doesn’t know shyt either...These just are the facts..so the quicker y’all realize that the better y’all will be. Y’all sitting here quivering in y’all boots because y’all seen some people at a park.

WHO barely even know anything. They been wrong a shyt ton of times already. But that’s fair. This shyt new :manny:

All this shaming and shyt going on and people crying talking about stay inside..just live y’all life. This is just an event that can’t be stopped only mitigated and spread out over time. Jobs will be lost. Lives will be lost.

You can’t test everybody all day everyday.

Remember they said people can get the corona twice...that was false. Coronavirus: Scientists conclude people cannot be infected twice

The media pushing a dangerous narrative right now.

No need to keep shaming people and being negative. At this point we just got to learn how to deal with the virus. There is no specific way.

Then people talking like a vaccine guaranteed ...:mjlol:

bro prepare for the hailstorm most of this board is beyond brainwashed


All Star
May 28, 2012
You think mixing in deaths is the move now? Seems like the media got another one on this issue. Its been around a long time but tens of thousands were still dying every year but none of you dudes were concerned? Seems like like I said the media tells you dudes when to and when not to be concerned. I seriously also need you cats only to stop parroting the death rates and flatten the curve and the rest of this trendy sayings like y'all truly know what y'all are talking about. We don't know for sure if there is a higher death rate because they out here messing with numbers and nobody knows exactly who does and doesn't truly have it.

No, just look up the statistics from the CDC. They have a column for covid cases/deaths and a column for flu cases/deaths. They're not mixing them in.

Do you not understand the significant difference between tens of thousands of deaths over the span of a YEAR and tens of thousands of deaths in the span of a MONTH? You seriously can't be this stupid.

Maybe YOU know nothing about this, but we do have some idea about how dangerous the virus is relative to others. I'm not getting my information from the "media".


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
No, just look up the statistics from the CDC. They have a column for covid cases/deaths and a column for flu cases/deaths. They're not mixing them in.

Do you not understand the significant difference between tens of thousands of deaths over the span of a YEAR and tens of thousands of deaths in the span of a MONTH? You seriously can't be this stupid.

Maybe YOU know nothing about this, but we do have some idea about how dangerous the virus is relative to others. I'm not getting my information from the "media".
When did the peak flu season become the whole year sir? It is possible I could be stupid on this issue but you're not any smarter sir and let's talk like we would face to face. No insults we know you've never said to a stranger disagreeing offline.

You're definitely getting your info from the media hence why you're scarred and shaking unlike this time last year with the flu. The media told,you to be scarred and now you and others are ridiculously scarred. Its cool but I see you and others as what y'all are in this situation and that's shook for no reason.


All Star
May 28, 2012
When did the peak flu season become the whole year sir? It is possible I could be stupid on this issue but you're not any smarter sir and let's talk like we would face to face. No insults we know you've never said to a stranger disagreeing offline.

You're definitely getting your info from the media hence why you're scarred and shaking unlike this time last year with the flu. The media told,you to be scarred and now you and others are ridiculously scarred. Its cool but I see you and others as what y'all are in this situation and that's shook for no reason.

nikka, you don't know me but believe me when I say I would definitely insult you to your face.:russ:

And I'm getting no information from news sources on this. I'm literally quoting you statistics directly from the CDC, and doing basic math. It doesn't matter when peak flu season is.... we're comparing flu related deaths in a typical year to Covid-19 deaths in March alone, basically. There's a reason health officials and politicians are alarmed by these numbers, and it has nothing to do with being tricked by the evil "media".


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
nikka, you don't know me but believe me when I say I would definitely insult you to your face.:russ:

And I'm getting no information from news sources on this. I'm literally quoting you statistics directly from the CDC, and doing basic math. It doesn't matter when peak flu season is.... we're comparing flu related deaths in a typical year to Covid-19 deaths in March alone, basically. There's a reason health officials and politicians are alarmed by these numbers, and it has nothing to do with being tricked by the evil "media".
I can't believe you when real life has shown me no stranger has ever done such. Online has people thinking they are all superman when they can't see the other person or what they're into. I just know without a weapon I'd bet my life you wouldn't say that to me face to face if we're both strangers to each other and my life experience justifies my confidence in that.

If you think media literally only means the news you have no right ask if someone is stupid sir.


All Star
May 28, 2012
I can't believe you when real life has shown me no stranger has ever done such. Online has people thinking they are all superman when they can't see the other person or what they're into. I just know without a weapon I'd bet my life you wouldn't say that to me face to face if we're both strangers to each other and my life experience justifies my confidence in that.

If you think media literally only means the news you have no right ask if someone is stupid sir.

Well you've lucked out and found the one person who's an a$$hole IRL too.

And do you lump in statistics from the CDC directly as information from "the media", sir?


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Well you've lucked out and found the one person who's an a$$hole IRL too.

And do you lump in statistics from the CDC directly as information from "the media", sir?
Being an a$$hole wont help lack of combat skills the vast majority of people don't have. That's beyond the post because we ain't meeting up so I'm leaving that alone.

As for your other question you already know I the answer or else you wouldn't asked the question. Do you feel smarter in this discourse by just being parroting others pov? Then that goes back to why weren't you concerned when tens of thousands are dying from the flu? 34k last year is cool but 60k from this is waaaay different? What is the number that makes you care because 34k still seems like a lot if you're sooo concerned over 60k.


All Star
May 28, 2012
Being an a$$hole wont help lack of combat skills the vast majority of people don't have. That's beyond the post because we ain't meeting up so I'm leaving that alone.

Alright man, I'll let you believe you can kick anyone's ass, and you aren't just a internet tough guy projecting.

As for your other question you already know I the answer or else you wouldn't asked the question.

What kind of dumbass logic is this?? I only asked the question because I know the answer?? Yeah, because people only ask questions when they have the answers. I know nothing about you other than you seem very confused about the seriousness of this virus, and hesitant to answer direct questions.

Do you feel smarter in this discourse by just being parroting others pov?

Well I'm definitely smarter than you, because while you call it "parroting others", I call it appealing to actual experts in the field, who base recommendations on actual evidence and data. You aren't smart merely for showing skepticism of mainstream science... you're the opposite of smart.

Then that goes back to why weren't you concerned when tens of thousands are dying from the flu? 34k last year is cool but 60k from this is waaaay different? What is the number that makes you care because 34k still seems like a lot if you're sooo concerned over 60k.

I've already answered this. The flu isn't comparable for a variety of reasons, one being we have a somewhat effective flu vaccine, of which is widely available and I get, and two covid appears at this time to be much more deadly. The difference of tens of thousands or tens of millions alarm most intelligent people.
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Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Alright man, I'll let you believe you can kick anyone's ass, and you aren't just a internet tough guy projecting.

What kind of dumbass logic is this?? I only asked the question because I know the answer?? Yeah, because people only ask questions when they have the answers. I know nothing about you other than you seem very confused about the seriousness of this virus, and hesitant to answer direct questions.

Well I'm definitely smarter than you, because while you call it "parroting others", I call it appealing to actual experts in the field, who base recommendations on actual evidence and data. You aren't smart merely for showing skepticism of mainstream science... you're the opposite of smart.

I've already answered this. The flu isn't comparable for a variety of reasons, one being we have a somewhat effective flu vaccine, of which is widely available and I get, and two covid appears at this time to be much more deadly. The difference of tens of thousands or tens of millions alarm most intelligent people.