1.the jesus character they waited til the last 2 episodes to introduce was utterly ridiculous
When dude jumped out the bushes last episode and touched Alecs forehead like he was uncle Charles i knew these muthafukkas was gonna give us a bullshyt ending
2.The little asian time traveling dude basically being a pointless character
3.no Thesus da Gawd in the finale
4.Kellog getting sent back to live with the mayans.i mean couldn't this dude really change history by sending him back that far
5.them saying the future Kellog created ceased to exist when Kellog walked thru the portal yet Brad who is from Kellogs future is standing right there with them while they're saying this
6.they never actually say how they changed anything
This one is my biggest problem with the show.Yall went back to change the future and did but what exactly did yall change? Atleast give the audience some type of explanation as to what exactly yall did to change the future and make it better
Was just changing who Alex and Juliun were as human beings change everything? If so then say that.I just can't believe they left us hanging like that and didn't explain how they changed the future
The only part i liked was Kira getting that ether at the end of the episode
I remember saying back in the season 1 thread that if they changed the future it wouldn't be Kiras future and i was right.The "good" future already has a Kira there so this dumb bytch basically doesn't have a home anymore and should've stayed in the past and gave Carlos those yams