Half of the story was just like Witcher 3's entire story
Wheres Ciri? Do you know Ciri?
Wheres Tatsukawa/Haruka? Do you know Haruka?
Saejima gets arrested because he still had time to serve when they let him go in Y5
Majima gets arrested for no reason. Yakuza without Majima??
When Kiryu found out Tatsukawa and Haruka were in Kamurocho. He didn't go to the Kage for information?
Didn't the Kage join the police in Y5. Date didn't go to him either?
And the big secret that had the Yomei killing their own friends and family was a ship that was built using illicit funds
Combat is trash. Plays a little bit like a dynasty warriors game with the big hitboxes and ragdolling. Most of the heat actions are gone. Only boss fight that gave me any challenge is Jo Amon
And all the extras like substories, Coliseum, activities etc