The Great One
Swag Surfin
CM Punk is kinda bootleg Jericho when he was having that feud with HBGOAT and he had those couple title runs
I wouldn't say bootleg. I would say like a poor, deaf, blind man's Jericho.
CM Punk is kinda bootleg Jericho when he was having that feud with HBGOAT and he had those couple title runs
It was a bad idea to put Ryback against Punk so soon. They should have just built the feud for a while longer. Realistically they screwed themselves because the build for CM Punk vs the Rock at the Royal Rumble has to come about otherwise the heel turn with him getting over on the Rock at 1000 ep of Raw a waste.
Also if Ryback loses it's going to make him lose steam, but if he wins he'll have to drop the belt before the Royal Rumble so Punk can still face the Rock. The should have waited til after the Rumble or Wrestlemania to build a program around Ryback contending for the belt![]()
How can Ryback win? He can't cut a promo. He's not entertaining. He's not even over all of the time. At least Punk gets a reaction from the crowd.
*Ryback rolls over opponent*
*Ryback starts the FEED ME MORE chant (Crowd doesn't even start it on their own...)*
*Camera cuts to crowd*
*Crowd is sitting down, chanting with Ryback*
Rybach should have won the IC of US title before getting his WWE title shot, way too soon
now WWE is fukked
But Punk winning does nothing for him and then we'll get the whole Cena/Punk Survivor Series main event again![]()
But Punk winning does nothing for him and then we'll get the whole Cena/Punk Survivor Series main event again![]()
what they could do (even though it's highly unlikely) is have the Rock (if they can get him short notice) interfere in the match and Rock Bottom Ryback and cost him the title.
Next night have the Rock cut a promo saying how he wants to face Punk at the Rumble and "the Rock need Punk to hold onto that belt until the Rock whoops his monkey ass and takes blah blah" type promo. Where even though he did something a heel would do can get tweener heat.
through out the time have cut going at Punk...
when Survivor Series comes along have a triple threat match with Cena,Punk,and Ryback.....have Lesnar interfere which could lead to a Wrestlemania Ryback/Lesnar match (which if Lesnar leaves having him lose can put Ryback way over)
Meanwhile have the Rock go over on Punk and have him either rematch with Cenaor face
You want the Rock to heel on Ryback to help out heel Punk, who attacked him out of the BLUE at Raw 1000, just so Punk can save face? HAHAHA![]()
no, to get them out of this hole they wrote themselves into. They have to give the belt back to Punk before the Rumble to face the Rock. A Ryback/Rock match would be
If Punk beats him clean he makes Ryback look weak, if it ends no contest that won't go over well either, best way to get out of this is for someone to interfere. Why not have the person that he has to face look for revenge against him
If they wanted to get him out of this hole, they would of added 3 or 4 other guys and had them take the fall. Now...SOMEONE is coming to an stop on Sunday night. One way or ANOTHER![]()