The fact the studio dumped it in January instead of summer should let you know how they feel. Sorry but "XXX:State of the Union" basically killed the franchise (I love you Ice Cube but no, lol). LOL @ Sam being in all 3 movies, he will never turn down a check. Sorry Vin, but this sequel is about 12 years late. The only reason people accepted him back for Fast and Furious is because "Tokyo Drift" basically ended the franchise at that point. I saw the trailer and it felt like wait for video and I Love Vin.
But he's been doing some average work outside of F&F (The Last Witch Hunter, really Vin?, lol). Again I'm happy he's focused more on action cinema but revamping old franchises like this ain't the answer. It's not like people even liked "XXX" like that to the point they are asking for a trilogy. The first one was only a success because he was coming off F&F it wasn't even all that good. If he's going to do keep doing old franchise than he should stick with Riddikk and continue to expand it because Honestly I'd take another Riddikk Sequel over this.
But he's been doing some average work outside of F&F (The Last Witch Hunter, really Vin?, lol). Again I'm happy he's focused more on action cinema but revamping old franchises like this ain't the answer. It's not like people even liked "XXX" like that to the point they are asking for a trilogy. The first one was only a success because he was coming off F&F it wasn't even all that good. If he's going to do keep doing old franchise than he should stick with Riddikk and continue to expand it because Honestly I'd take another Riddikk Sequel over this.