I beat this game the other day, and I have to say it's my GOTY and a HUGE improvement over Xcom EU
The way they flipped it so you gain regions over time instead of lose them
was masterful so instead of feeling like your losing progress you gain it.
The timer on most missions really speeds things up and makes you play more agressive and you have the chance to ambush aliens and just lay waste to them.
The avatar counter at first really stressed me out but once I figured out that any of the black sites or what would reset it I would let it start counting down like whatever lol
I do think I over levelled at the end I had like 10 colonels and 3 magi it was a bit ridiculous.
I do think the veteran difficulty was a bit easier than I would have expected, towards the end at least, and some of the aliens weren't aggressive enough imo, I played sloppy towards the end and I didn't get severely punished for it.
The load times at end game were horrendous, 7 minutes? ain't nobody got time for that! This game REALLY needs a performance patch, if they improved load times I'd run through it again on commander and get the DLC cuz this game is that good.