Xcloud is now Live on Xbox (beta) 6/28/21 ( the power of the cloud!)


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
Sounds like my starfield 1 dollar plot is going to be fully realized (hopefully the game lives up to the hype)

Lol at “welcome to the Xbox ecosystem”

Soon as the credits roll on that shyt, Issa cancel


‘yeah it’s cool you don’t really need an xbox anymore but even aside from Starfield there’s nothing else on the roster that even looks mildly interesting unless you’re really into shooters

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
nikkas stanning Ecosystems now :mjlol:
Thats what it’s come to. They were trying to Stan Microsoft office in another thread

So we gonna act like for years the people here talking about xbox haven't been talking about the ecosystem around it right? Like all of a sudden it's just being mentioned. :mjlol: Yall was busy hitting the :mjlol: face as usual.

The best part about being a sony stan is once the xbox is on top or has hot games or some format you can just go

:yeshrug: "I go where the games are at, I've never really been a sony stan."

Microsoft has been ahead of the curve since xbox live up, back compat and how it keeps your library of games and game pass and downloading and playing games on release as well as a ton of games to play in rotation. After the "always online and this isn't the system for you fiasco" I think they are even more patiently craving out a long term plan that is going to force playstation and even nintendo to follow suit.

They are literally creating a small ecosystem. Now they just need the 1st party games so people can feel like they "have the best system"

Microsoft isn't playing the game the same as sony and nintendo. They'll Never have the best console exclusive. The Xbox ecosystem now includes the PC As it probably should have anyway seeing as most PC's are windows boxes anyway.

Nintendo for me is a tie between BTOW and Fire emblem 3 houses

Playstation is god of war (honorable mention GOT)

Xbox is for me is State of Decay 2 (honorable mention halo wars 2)


Alright look at it like this,

Microsoft at the end of the day wants to get to the point where they don't care how you log into gamepass to play.

However it's hard to sell a service and a ecosystem with having a piece of hardware attached to it.

How many people would be using iTunes if not for the iPhone still?

Xbox is Microsoft iPhone.... It will always be at the center of there "entertainment vision" unless it absolutely falls off a cliff at some point

I never have said otherwise. Ive preferred Xbox and the Xbox ecosystem and vision, customer support and dialogue over Sony and PlayStation and the PlayStation fan base.

It's been like this since around the start of PS3. But unlike most of these dudes I actually really play games across multiple systems and consoles. Not just the big name or popular ones.

I think it was both, Microsoft was looking always looking for a way to become more of a household name. Not just the "Big bad computer company" that its pretty much still has the stigma of.... From their phones to the media players they just never seem to be able to break through to mass appeal, Xbox was an attempt at this and truthfully it's 1st successful attempt and with that they wanted to try to push the boundaries more and make it not just a gaming experience but your media and entertainment experience.

Problem is 1) They pushed that way to soon, and 2) they didn't really have an ecosystem to invest into like that of apple with itunes or sony. Hotmail is a joke, and everything else they use is pretty much associated with business not gaming and on top of that they are still looked at as the big bad guys of mulit billion companies for some reason.

I think with phil taking over and this gen he's tried to meet in the middle, being a gamer himself you can see some of his heavy influence and while on one end his PR for hype is TERRIBLE his actual PR for up coming information and laying out road maps for years and foresight on where gaming is headed is SPOT on. Like you said I think they realize they can't and probably shouldn't try to play the same game as sony. Sony has to much goodwill and too many connects throughout the industry they are cemented in what they are doing.

So the next best thing is to go back to focusing on what they do best and that's software and enduser integration and creating seamless experiences and power and not skimp on those things. This goes all the way back around to creating an ecosystem. Gamepass and being able to play games "anywhere" as well as back compat of all your old games is the ecosystem they are growing and as it develops more people are going to be locked in... All these 1st party companies they recently acquired in the next 4-5 years should only make that ecosystem stronger.

Oh that's always been the main reason I agree, usually exclusive games are what determine pulling people into whatever ecosystem them and there friends played on.

I think it's a big part of a reason why "certain companies" aren't jumping for cross play.

Nowadays there's a bit more to consider than just exclusives though.


I'm a game head.

I have all system...

I prefer the Xbox brand and ecosystem among other things.

I don't like demon souls, and spiderman was just ok to me, and if I realllly want to play it I can get it on PS4, sooooo now what? All the games you need to finish I've beaten already, my back log consist of mostly 3rd party games... Outside of the PS exclusive ones, why wouldn't I get/play those on xbox series X until the PS5 drops something I actually want that's exclusive.

I also have a gaming PC, I don't do console games on PC. I've never enjoyed it..

The series S is perfect for a lot of people

people would want jump into the xbox ecosystem.

people who want to be able to play next gen games when they drop but don't want to spend 500

People who want a second system

People who just want a gamepass/digital box

People that don't have high end tv's.

People that might be able to only spare 300 bucks instead of 500

It really hits a lot of people

Systems where never the end goal for gaming and microsoft. I doubt that has changed, but what has changed is how much the see value in gaming as a hold, on top of that the person running the xbox division is a gamer and has a pretty good grasp on what the future of gaming is going to look like.

With those things combined, starting to distance yourself from being just a system that provides games is smart.

It's about having your imprint on as much as possible, and having people invested into an ecosystem. Gamepass and xbox live is that for them.

The xbox is just a means to allow people direct access to that now, but also your phone, pc and soon probably tv and who knows what else.

The sub, or rent, or monthly pay system has ALWAYS been the most lucrative. And now microsoft has the 1st and the best version of that for gaming.


PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
as long as I don’t have to buy the console it’s lit:yeshrug:

just let me play my one game I want and I’m good
Gamepass = p*ssy and maybe one day you'll get both
So why did y’all buy the console?
Because streaming is cool but it's not as cool as local. Also gamepass isn't everything Xbox so I need one to play the best versions of every MULTIPLAT game as well. You can stream those games too but you need a system for that this gen. Next gen systems will be obsolete :francis:
nikkas stanning Ecosystems now :mjlol:
So you're not the posterboy for the Sony ecosystem? PSnow to ps Vita to even the ghat damn ps mini :laff:
I only wrote a single paragraph:dwillhuh:
That's too much ether, you gotta understand the truth is like sunlight to a vampire.
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