Xbox One + Cloud = :ufurious:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
It’s Tuesday – and a great day to talk about the power of the cloud and Xbox One. In this video hosted by Graeme Boyd, Xbox’s Acey Bongos, the power of the cloud and Xbox One is discussed with Dan Greenawalt, the creative director at Turn 10. Dan is leading the charge for "Forza 5 Motorsport," which utilizes the cloud and Xbox One to deliver a range of benefits to gamers, including:

  • The cloud allows the team to move learning AI into the cloud and act more like big data – or, act less like AI and more like real people. This brings AI closer to how real players drive. Your worlds can evolve based on your, and others’, actions. This means you can create your own game based on your behaviors. And the cloud learns from the entire world – as more people play the game, it learns new behavior and the team can incorporate behavior that wasn’t predicted – like driving three abreast around a corner or faking people out. Ultimately, the system you race on launch day is different than the system you race one or two week later.

  • The cloud enables a conversation between the "Forza" team and their community, which is at the heart of "Forza Motorsport 5." Through the cloud, the "Forza" team can add new challenges, new achievements and let the community vote with their actions. So if drag racing is a hit with the community, for example, the team can add more challenges.

  • The cloud helped the team totally revamp Drivatars, where the system looks at how you drive and your behavior, brings it up to the cloud, crunches numbers, builds a profile, and builds an Avatar that races for you around the world and against your friends and family. The Drivatar gives you a report when you boot up so you can see the amazing action that happened when you stepped away. You literally never stop playing and you never race alone because other Drivatar’s are always there to race against.

The cloud makes it nearly effortless for developers to hook up dedicated servers for multiplayer matches, so there is less lag and quick pick-up, so you can start playing very quickly.
Check out the video to see the full interview.

And don’t miss our latest infographic, which highlights how Xbox One unleashes the power of the cloud.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Less Lag is a winner. Everything else is a we shall see. How's Sony gonna give us less lag?
Less lag is overrated. Man, Dedicated servers are not THAT big of a deal.
Hackers invincible in the top games? Thats not a big deal either, I'm not sure if I see it and thats good enough for me!!!
Cloud sucks
Titanfall is multiplat
DS4 has a touchpad and the camera is not forced on me
I all of a sudden love killzone now
PS+ still gives me free games on the last gen system I won't be playing anymore
Battlefield 4 was singled out by IGN on PS4 but i'll just tell myself they was talking about xbox one version too
Especially since my system can do tiled resources too and the GPU does like 1.92 gigaflops of T.Flop processing :umad: