I'm surprised at the lack of gameplay throughout the conference.
Leads me to believe that a lot of shyt won't be ready at launch for this console. Nobody thought MS was going to follow suit and drop in 2013. Comes off as a rush job through and through.
They really don't want Sony to get out the gate first or too far ahead.
Kinda silly but at the same time... if you buy this console, you're presumably buying it because of what Kinect can do. All the voice commands and hand gestures will require it.
Reports leaked a few weeks ago about MS not having games ready.....nikkaz didnt' listen....
As a Xbox only owner I have to@ M$. $ony came through in crashed the buildings then we get this wack ass shyt. no used games, unless you pay a fee, always online, an more Forza in Kinect crap. M$ made my next gen decision for me Playstation 4LIFE I'm coming home $ony I'm coming home. please forgive me
i guess thats why the xbox won last gen right? oh, thats right..they did not.
Yeah, it's basically a part of the controls for the console now. The thing that is weird about it though is that I'm sure you can probably navigate through the panels/UI with only a controller... unless the gesturing and voice shyt is literally mandatory to do certain things (which could be the case since it's shipping with the console).
I doubt every game uses Kinect functionality though, so essentially MS is doing this for their UI. They really wanted to have a camera in all of their users' living rooms/bedrooms it seems.
360 is currently in 2nd place. What do you think is going to happen to One, worldwide?
O wow friends, xbots are malfunctioning left and right.
They actually showed the system, sony didnt even do that
So what happens when the system isn't connected to the Internet?...this seems to lead more in the direction of needing to always be online to play games...Microsoft think they slick...problem is nikkas will fall for it..lol
If you think the cable/satellite companies are gonna allow you to get rid of the boxes you rent from them, you're nuts. The only way that'll happen, is if M$ subsidizes the cost...for EVERYONE...and you know what that means? Xbox Live prices going up, Up, UP.
I'm sorry, but color me unimpressed.
they are in 3rd my friend.....and focusing on one market again is not good. MS can't afford to lose their only stronghold (America). They losing everywhere else.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in order for the live TV shyt to work you need another device (not your cable box) to connect to the XB1? Something else ADDITIONAL you have to purchase?