Xbox is looking to open and acquire game studios

Oct 22, 2017
Golden Era/Drama free Zone
Gotta love how they release new hardware with no games and then turn around and say "hey we gotta find some games now"



Oct 17, 2012
So you have Gears 4 and Halo 5 bruh, yes or no :popcorn:
You saying Microsoft bullshyttin on Sunset 2? No, gamers was slow to hop on it, now did they secure a sequel? You have no real idea what is going on behind the scenes. But I can assure you Sunset 2 is a likely story. As for Rare, they are working on 3 games right now and NONE of them are Super Lucky's Tale :stop: But at least you tried, right...

I have Gears 4 for PC I beat campaign and never played it again. As for Halo 5 I've never played another halo since bungie jumped ship. You know damn well microsoft ain't coming out with a sequel for Sunset 2. Sequels are only made if they sell gang busters on the console. There is no point if they can't make milk a dead franchise. What I should of said in my last post was they should of used the resources they spent on that bullshyt Super Luckys tale and put it to a rare title like conkers or Banjoo Kazooie something atleast memorable. Please tell me what 3 Rare Games they are working on......... Sea of thieves is the only game coming down the pipe line. Stop with the bullshyt:mjlol:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I have Gears 4 for PC I beat campaign and never played it again. As for Halo 5 I've never played another halo since bungie jumped ship. You know damn well microsoft ain't coming out with a sequel for Sunset 2. Sequels are only made if they sell gang busters on the console. There is no point if they can't make milk a dead franchise. What I should of said in my last post was they should of used the resources they spent on that bullshyt Super Luckys tale and put it to a rare title like conkers or Banjoo Kazooie something atleast memorable. Please tell me what 3 Rare Games they are working on......... Sea of thieves is the only game coming down the pipe line. Stop with the bullshyt:mjlol:
Agreed, let's stop with the bullshyt :handshake:

You don't play anything that you hate on. You have gears on PC you say? Because like most shooting games, the meat of the title is its online mode. Gears 4 or any gears for that matter was never popular on PC. In fact, the PC version didn't even have online play at first, and only has it limited now. But you claim to have had time with it. I claim you're a goofball.

You haven't played halo since halo reach. Well sir, halo 4 introduced a bunch of new gameplay elements and tweaks and it was ok. Hardcore halo players didn't like something different. Halo 5 to me, best halo ever by far, I'm talking online. The campaign is ok, but halo is all about multiplayer. You admitted you haven't played it so you can't tell anyone if it's good or not, yet here you are :dwillhuh:

Sunset 2 is ready for development, just needs a publisher, and Microsoft needs titles. Sunset 1 didn't sell well because nothing was selling WELL at the time. The game itself is considered a masterpiece so Microsoft is aware of this just like you and I are aware of this. So if you think they won't be publishing part 2 then you have literally no idea what goes on in the business side of gaming. Which is why I can say things like rare is working on 3 titles. They announce these things usually during business meetings/etc. Before sea of thieves was revealed as a title it was known rare was working on 3 games, 2 totally original titles, none of them Kinect or avatar related, free to make what they want. You can Google it, or you can hear say it here, but it is what it is.

Finally, you and most gamers never played nuts and bolts, probably kameo either. How about grabbed by the goulies? People don't miss rare as much as they miss dikk riding a rare title on n64 :francis:

Because Rare BEEN back. You excited for sea of thieves or you decided rare isn't worthy based on games you never played :stopitslime:
Read my post again.
Yeah, then read mines :wtf:


Oct 17, 2012
Agreed, let's stop with the bullshyt :handshake:

You don't play anything that you hate on. You have gears on PC you say? Because like most shooting games, the meat of the title is its online mode. Gears 4 or any gears for that matter was never popular on PC. In fact, the PC version didn't even have online play at first, and only has it limited now. But you claim to have had time with it. I claim you're a goofball.

You haven't played halo since halo reach. Well sir, halo 4 introduced a bunch of new gameplay elements and tweaks and it was ok. Hardcore halo players didn't like something different. Halo 5 to me, best halo ever by far, I'm talking online. The campaign is ok, but halo is all about multiplayer. You admitted you haven't played it so you can't tell anyone if it's good or not, yet here you are :dwillhuh:

Sunset 2 is ready for development, just needs a publisher, and Microsoft needs titles. Sunset 1 didn't sell well because nothing was selling WELL at the time. The game itself is considered a masterpiece so Microsoft is aware of this just like you and I are aware of this. So if you think they won't be publishing part 2 then you have literally no idea what goes on in the business side of gaming. Which is why I can say things like rare is working on 3 titles. They announce these things usually during business meetings/etc. Before sea of thieves was revealed as a title it was known rare was working on 3 games, 2 totally original titles, none of them Kinect or avatar related, free to make what they want. You can Google it, or you can hear say it here, but it is what it is.

Finally, you and most gamers never played nuts and bolts, probably kameo either. How about grabbed by the goulies? People don't miss rare as much as they miss dikk riding a rare title on n64 :francis:

Because Rare BEEN back. You excited for sea of thieves or you decided rare isn't worthy based on games you never played :stopitslime:

xbox wasn't providing me we 60 fps and I don't really play multiplayer that much so :yeshrug: I don't gotta prove shyt to and xbox cuck.

I play games i'm interested simple. I'm no longer interested in the Halo franchise so I don't care how good it is so miss me with the bullshyt.

Sunset 2 going to be multiplat if it gets made and you know just as much as I know about the business I notice the trend with microsoft so there guilty in this apsect until proven otherwise. :camby:

As for them rare titles they were cancelled most likely since that's the only thing microsoft seem to be good at when bringing new ip titles. Why are you bringing up games that aren't released on the xbox one. You moving goal posts here and have to incorporate 360 games cuz you know rare ain't got shyt goin on with the one.

King Theo

All Star
May 1, 2012
snatch up capcom snatch up konomi i need PES with the proper backing and money to get all the licenses

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
xbox wasn't providing me we 60 fps and I don't really play multiplayer that much so :yeshrug: I don't gotta prove shyt to and xbox cuck.

I play games i'm interested simple. I'm no longer interested in the Halo franchise so I don't care how good it is so miss me with the bullshyt.

Sunset 2 going to be multiplat if it gets made and you know just as much as I know about the business I notice the trend with microsoft so there guilty in this apsect until proven otherwise. :camby:

As for them rare titles they were cancelled most likely since that's the only thing microsoft seem to be good at when bringing new ip titles. Why are you bringing up games that aren't released on the xbox one. You moving goal posts here and have to incorporate 360 games cuz you know rare ain't got shyt goin on with the one.
If you don't care to play Halo then you can't speak on it. So let's move on from that since you're ignorant on that topic.

I named a bunch of rare titles because intellectuals noticed a trend. It's the social media age so people don't think for themselves anyone. I'll give you examples, the ps3 is more powerful than the 360, can do better graphics because of the cell processor. Nobody seemed to question the weaker GPU inside of the ps3 which limits its graphic capabilities which is why Xbox games looked and played better overall. As long as enough believed the lie tho. Same thing with rare. It's internet cool to say nothing since Nintendo, but the games they did release you didn't play. So let's take rare out your mouth since you refuse to play those games as well while hating on the devs :mindblown:

New ip's are coming, every company goes thru periods where they don't have a ton of titles to announce, you're acting as if things won't change and you're in denial about what is known like other games from companies you DON'T CARE ABOUT :facepalm:
Unfortunately its too late this gen for any meaningful games. Hopefully there will be ready for next gen
This gen will be here for another 4-5yrs bruh, meaningful games drop each year, Cuphead the shyt, soon sea of thieves, crackdown 3 online, state of decay 2, ashen just to name a few...

Prince Akeem

Its not that deep breh....
May 4, 2012
In all honestly though, I hope they follow though and make some new exciting IPs. We need the 360 days back where they had plenty content for you if you weren't a huge Gears/Halo/Forza fan.