you think the world is going for sub based models... think again.Because mobile breaking sale records over Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo is the leading platform in Asia and America being a mobile device. Microsoft can offer next gen console gaming without a dedicated device. That's a game changer
@The Mad Titan
this why vetting your sources matters
dude you used to validate your position is a troll basically...
You do realize Microsoft is the richest company in the world right lmao ? If it were a country it'd have a higher GDP than >96% of the world's countries, including yours (Canada). I'd say they're doing something right. They've already successfully transitioned several products like Office and Teams to a subscription model. So has Adobe. Salesforce's (Slack, Tableau) entire damn business model is built on subscription based enterprise software. I'm sure you've heard of Spotfiy ...Netflix. How are those working out? GP was a brilliant move and some of yall just can't stand that daddy sony was late to the game. But hey, if you still want to "own" your games you're allowed to do so, the two models can think the world is going for sub based models... think again.
very American based thinking. Microsoft gaming has always taken L's around the world because of it's very American approaches. People around the world will not gravitate to subscription based gaming. People around the world like owning things and not being required to be online.
if we lose physical consoles all together then consumers are fukking fools because ownership is going with it.
music streaming around the world is not sub based based some of it leans more to youtube actually like the whole latin market for example. again you are speaking from a purely American position. Neflix has been having a hard time growing internationally. This year was one of their best with squid games. so basically their content has to broaden appeal worldwide. the recurring theme is universal appeal... Xbox has always been far distant last worldwide in the console lane. Sub models will not be adopted by everyone universally and this is already the case. Sub gaming will be big in North America. If it replaces console gaming then a huge portion of the world market is going to be left out but more importantly you will no longer own anything down the line. Your choice to make as a consumer.You do realize Microsoft is the richest company in the world right lmao ? If it were a country it'd have a higher GDP than >96% of the world's countries, including yours (Canada). I'd say they're doing something right. They've already successfully transitioned several products like Office and Teams to a subscription model. So has Adobe. Salesforce's (Slack, Tableau) entire damn business model is built on subscription based enterprise software. I'm sure you've heard of Spotfiy ...Netflix. How are those working out? GP was a brilliant move and some of yall just can't stand that daddy sony was late to the game. But hey, if you still want to "own" your games you're allowed to do so, the two models can co-exist.
I own several PS2 and PS3 games right now. I can't play them on the PS5. Game ownership is overrated because systems change and unless you keep all the old ones there's no value in owning those streaming around the world is not sub based based some of it leans more to youtube actually like the whole latin market for example. again you are speaking from a purely American position. Neflix has been having a hard time growing internationally. This year was one of their best with squid games. so basically their content has to broaden appeal worldwide. the recurring theme is universal appeal... Xbox has always been far distant last worldwide in the console lane. Sub models will not be adopted by everyone universally and this is already the case. Sub gaming will be big in North America. If it replaces console gaming then a huge portion of the world market is going to be left out but more importantly you will no longer own anything down the line. Your choice to make as a consumer.
I suppose by "American" you mean Western or developed? Why are you placing this solely on evil Microsoft? Why is Game Pass suddenly a problem when things have been trending this way for well over a decade? Spotify is a Swedish company. Sony, a Japanese company, is like the world's 2nd largest music publisher. Universal, the largest, is Dutch. This paradigm shift isn't some "American" scheme as you seem to be implying. Streaming and sub-based media consumption is worldwide. The irony of all this being that I think it actually makes entertainment more accessible to emerging markets like LATAM. How is it not more economical than the old model? Your idea of "ownership" is very outdated and elitist IMO. But to each their own, you can still buy your shyt if you so streaming around the world is not sub based based some of it leans more to youtube actually like the whole latin market for example. again you are speaking from a purely American position. Neflix has been having a hard time growing internationally. This year was one of their best with squid games. so basically their content has to broaden appeal worldwide. the recurring theme is universal appeal... Xbox has always been far distant last worldwide in the console lane. Sub models will not be adopted by everyone universally and this is already the case. Sub gaming will be big in North America. If it replaces console gaming then a huge portion of the world market is going to be left out but more importantly you will no longer own anything down the line. Your choice to make as a consumer.
Not true. Xbox effectively remained in 2nd during the 360 gen but bowed out early. The Wii U was in absolute dead last the following gen, but of course we're going to redact that from the annals of history and claim it never existed.Xbox has always been far distant last worldwide in the console lane.