
Dec 8, 2015
I had some good green and started wondering how you could work the X-men into the MCU. If mutants are new then you miss out on a lot of X-men history and gotta start from square one. If they’ve been around the whole time it wouldn’t make sense that they’ve managed to stay under the radar until now. The only plot that’d cheat code those two issues would be that mutants were always around...until they weren’t due to Scarlet Witch.

Tweak the House of M plot So that mutants were in the MCU then Scarlet Witch altered reality and wiped them out of existense House of M style. The MCU we’ve been watching has been the post no more mutants MCU. In the next couple of Avengers movies have her powers start to increase with some mystery assailants following then attacking her. The big reveal is they are a few mutants left over from the original reality who’ve been waiting for the right time to get her to fix things. Avengers aren’t down with it because the X-Men are trying to rewrite reality and it could go left. Especially after Thanos. Wolverine might think that it’s time to put her down and go rogue assassin.

The rewrite gets undone and the original reality restored then you can run wild with the X prequels. You could have a movie set during civil war where the mutants are debating the Accords from the mutant POV. Maybe they were there during the battle of New York in the cut saving folks. Could have a scene with Professor X and Nick Fury agreeing that mutants will be kept out of the Avengers program followed by one where he tells Stark no way in hell would he support the accords.
Scarlet Witch having the capability to do that in the MCU would be a plot hole within itself


My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
May 24, 2012
215 Uptown!
Avengers 4 will most likely deal with time travel and alternate realities. That’s their scapegoat right there on how to bring in the mutants


All Star
May 1, 2012
I just read that Disney is scraping dark Phoenix and new mutants. If so they are already doing the right thing
X-Men: Dark Phoenix & New Mutants Canceled?

Posted By: Matt McGloin
Wed, 07/25/2018 - 21:58
This Friday sees the Fox Sudios and Disney shareholders vote on whether Disney will acquire the Fox Studios assets.

By all accounts it's going to go through, which means Disney will get the X-Men, Deadpool, Wolverine, Fantastic Four and related properties back at Marvel Studios, in addition to other properties such as James Camaron's Avatar franchise, FOX TV and more.

Currently, Fox Studios has two X-Men movies that are in active development with New Mutants and X-Men: Dark Phoenix, both of which have completed filming, though there are supposed to be reshoots in the works.

Now a batch of rumors has hit the net about the X-Men movies said to be from an employee at Fox Studios.

According to the rumor, the Disney deal is basically already done and Disney execs have an active hand in what has been going in at Fox, and that people at both companies want a clean slate, so New Mutants and X-Men: Dark Phoenix won't be released. It's further said that both movies are atrocious (worse than Fantastic Four) with a bad storyline and acting, and that the cancellation announcement will come after this Friday's shareholders vote.

New Mutants
Regarding New Mutants, it's rumored there were problems with director Josh Boone who didn't care about the comic books, but just wanted to make a superhero horror film; it's further said Anya Taylor-Joy had issues with another actor on set. The reports about half the movie getting reshot are said to be true, but the Fox employee says it wasn't directed by Boone, as Fox wasn't at all happy with his cut.

"There were some of us nobody's who were actively involved in trying to warn both Fox & Boone that they were going in the wrong direction with the movie, but we were mostly ignored. Some of us were punished, some even fired for expressing our concerns.

Finally the execs recognized their mistakes after seeing Boone's cut. They were faced with two options, release the Boone cut and face yet another embarrassing pr disaster like Fant4stic, or delay, delay, delay in an attempt to salvage the movie, keeping Boone as the "director" (in name only, basically to save face) and bring in some new blood under the cover of night and essentially reshoot over half of the movie."

It's said then the Disney deal came about and progress on New Mutants stopped.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix

The employee describes X-Men: Dark Phoenix as the "worse spinoff ever," and also that the cut he saw didn't feature Olivia Munn's Psylocke. It's added that it appeared as if the cast "seemed to phone their performances in."

It's claimed that both movies will be shelved, but possibly released years later (i.e. on a streaming service) when Marvel Studios has their X-Men universe all set up. The employee also says the movies will be leaked online before then as too many people have already worked on the projects.

Some other tidbits include:

  • The Channing Tatum Gambit movie won't be happening.
  • Mr. Sinister was never a part of New Mutants.
  • Marvel Studios already has plans "unofficially" for Fox-owned characters such as Silver Surfer and Galactus.
  • X-Force is said to possibly be retitled by Disney as "Deadpool 3: X-Force," and may feature New Mutantscharacters, but not Anya Taylor-Joy as Magik due to her having issues with another member of the cast.
  • Regarding introducing the Mutants into the MCU, The Eternals movie will somehow do that.
Sources: User at SHH forums claims to be a Fox employee / Reddit user did a write-up summarizing the SHH posts.

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013

Alright, so this one's gonna need a lot more explanation than what I could fit into that unwieldy title. I should clarify, once again, that this is rumor, albeit one that makes sense with what's known about these projects, and the rumors themselves appeared just before The New Mutants was delayed... Twice. This post should encompass all the major points that SlugZilla has made on the film, Dark Phoenix, and X-Force (the last of which is apparently the only Fox-Marvel movie that will go anywhere).

For the past seven months, this SlugZilla guy (who was apparently a low-level Fox employee involved with The New Mutants and has been involved with the project before Josh Boone was hired to direct the movie) has stated that the movie was originally meant to be an R-rated adventure movie that focused on the exploits of a couple of characters as they adjusted to lives as Mutants in a mansion, along with plenty of teenage shenanigans driving the plot forward along the way. Tonally, it was meant to be something along the lines of Deadpool-lite, and the pitch was meant to be more of an introduction of these characters than a huge franchise-building affair. Apparently, the sequel's pitch was meant to be much darker, however, and that the movie would have started with the characters trying to escape a military bunker after they were kidnapped.

Naturally, this pitch (more faithful to the original comics and featured more comic-accurate Sentinels in a major setpiece) was deemed too expensive, so some cuts were made. And that's when Boone stepped in and offered a completely different pitch inspired by the idea for the movie's proposed sequel: retool the concept as a horror movie set almost entirely with an abandoned medical facility. Boone apparently had next-to-no love for the comics and was really just interested in making a horror movie with superheroes, and Fox liked his pitch. Several low-level employees, including SlugZilla, warned the Fox executives that this pitch wasn't going to work with what The New Mutants franchise was. Many were fired, and those who stayed on hoped that they could convince Boone to keep elements of what made the franchise what it was in the film adaptation.

Boone didn't listen, and progressively the movie became less and less tied to The New Mutants as a concept and more "generic horror movie with a superhero gimmick" as time progressed and the script repeatedly changed. Demon Bear, which was intended to be the antagonist of the entire film, was cut down to be part of an action sequence. Boone was nice on several days but on others, for whatever reason, he was described as being incredibly hostile to the crew. (In general, it sounds like he had a much cooler head on the project than, say, Josh Trank, as he didn't go completely insane mid-filming.) He was pretty confident in the film he was working on... Until the executives actually test-screened it. And apparently, the rough cut was abysmal, hence the movie's initial delay (which coincided with a generally tepid response to the teaser, aside from horror enthusiasts). The only bright spots: the cast, who gave strong performances with what they were given, and everyone got equal screentime.

In spite of initial reports about the reshoots suggested, the movie was not being reshot to be more scary. It was being reshot to add bits of actual heart (something missing in the original film) and humor to a lesser extent - not enough to, say, "save" the movie, but at least to keep the film from being an unwatchable slog. (Worth noting: the whole "it got good test screenings" things from Fox was pure spin according to SlugZilla, which makes complete sense with the 10-month delay in mind.) But later, Fox apparently decided that the best course of action would be to work with what they had and make The New Mutants into a more faithful adaptation without completely refilming the entire movie.

Boone was set to become the director in name only as the film would be retooled. No costumes, of course, but it seemed like Fox were working to make the film work within the confines they had set for themselves and make the adaptation more recognizably represent the franchise it was adapting. X-23 (the new major character added in reshoots) and Colossus (a supporting role in a subplot where he's looking for his little sister) were apparently going to be added to the movie to help sell the project, but Colossus was ultimately cut. Things were looking up and it seemed like they could salvage the project.

And then Disney stepped in, unofficially. Apparently, the deal with Fox is apparently far enough along that certain figures serving as representatives for the Mouse are actually influencing certain policies at the company, at least as far as the Marvel films go... And right now, they're not particularly happy with the state of either The New Mutants or Dark Phoenix, just as Fox aren't too keen on them either. The latter is more of a mixed situation - some people at Fox liked what they had so far, others, like SlugZilla, decidedly didn't. SlugZilla described The New Mutants with a statement saying "it isn't even as good as Fant4stic (yikes) and he outright called Dark Phoenix the worst X-Men spin-off ever, noting that the cast of the latter seemed to phone their performances in.

There are factions within Disney and Fox who would like there to be a clean slate before Marvel Studios inevitably reboots the IP and some feel that it'd be easier for Fox to write these two movies off instead of doing tons of post-production work in attempts to salvage them. Reshoots will still happen per contractual obligations, but the chances that either of these movies will be officially released to a streaming platform before Uncanny X-Men from Marvel Studios are nil. Let's just say that there's a reason that Marilyn Manson's "Cry Little Sister" cover popped up well over a year before The New Mutants is intended to release.


  • SlugZilla believes that the projects are expected to be officially cancelled after the Disney-Fox vote this Friday.

  • Gambit isn't happening in spite of what Simon Kinberg might tell you (no duh).

  • Psylocke is not in the cut of Dark Phoenix that SlugZilla saw.

  • Mr. Sinster is not in The New Mutants and never was.

  • Warlock has a cameo in The New Mutants, complete with mo-cap CGI; meanwhile, Lockheed is just a plushie.

  • Some cut of these movies may leak if these films are indeed cancelled.

  • Marvel Studios has plans for several Fox-owned characters unofficially in early development, including Silver Surfer and Galactus (probably not for Avengers 4, sadly).

  • Some The New Mutants characters could appear in X-Force (though not Anya Taylor-Joy as Magik, as she apparently had issues with someone else in the cast).

  • Fox want Dafne Keen's X-23 in a team-up movie because they're not sure a young girl can carry her own R-rated film from a financial standpoint. While she's far from confirmed for X-Force, the project is the only one where she could reasonably fit in at this point.

  • X-Force will probably be spared from Disney and Fox's mutual decision to cull Dark Phoenix and The New Mutants.

  • Speaking of X-Force, that project will likely be renamed Deadpool 3: X-Force or something to that effect.

  • Lastly, The Eternals will supposedly feature an element that helps usher Mutants into the MCU (probably related to the Celestials if I had to guess).
AGAIN: All this stuff is rumor for now. But it seems more and more likely that it's right on the money.
Last edited:

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO

SlugZilla described The New Mutants with a statement saying "it isn't even as good as Fant4stic (yikes) and he outright called Dark Phoenix the worst X-Men spin-off ever, noting that the cast of the latter seemed to phone their performances in.

GOOD GRIEF!!!:picard:

And people actually criticize the concept of a comic book studio with people behind the scenes that created and have a better understanding of these comic book properties, to have THEIR comic book creations back:mindblown:

Fox does everything from drama, horror, action, etc films


Fox need to not do any more comic book movies just like Marvel should never make a film thats not comic book related.

We got too many other studios out here for that, everyone needs to stay in their own lane and thrive in that



Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
I read a leaked plot of Dark Phoenix and that shyt was HORRIBLE. I don't know whether it was true or not but from the way Apocalypse played out I'm leaning on it being true. I actually enjoyed most of Fox's X-Men movies but it's time to move on. Besides this franchise has been going on for nearly 20 years so it's due for real reboot anyways. :yeshrug:

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Hilarious, the end results are a positive tho.
Now the New Mutants can be done properly and there isn't another Dark Phoenix movie that's a turd.

Some people gonna whine about "how its not fair to not see the vision of those who take challenges"

But what they fail to comprehend is there is a HUGE difference from "taking challenges" and "bad decisions"
