2016 - 1961 = 55 years. That's 55 years of multiple story lines and the best they could come up with is repeating the Dark Phoenix, just because they got Sansa Stark
the last trailer looked better, but im not waiting on this movie
They never used
Made Wolverine the focus at the expense of everyone else
Shi'ar Empire
A proper FF
A proper Doom
A proper Apocalypse/Sabretooth/Galactus
Omega Red
A proper Jubilee/Storm/Gambit/Cyclops
Botched Deadpool the first time
Shoved Mystique down our throats.
Or attempt to have an X-Men/FF shared universe despite on paper having a better roster (especially villains) than Disney.
But hey at least Silver Surfer only looked cool... everything else around him sucked.
And instead of having proper buildup to stories like Dark Phoenix or Apocalypse like Disney did with Thanos, they throw out these obvious cash grab titles with half baked efforts to lure you in because they didn't want to put in the work of a complex universe that requires 3 dimensional characters and a cohesive yet complex storyline. No thank you.
And dudes have the audacity to say dudes are cynical and eager for Fox house of horrors to end with Marvel.