X-Men '97

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
I was never a fan of rhe animation or art of the cartoon. Xmen and wildcats art was trash. Especially compared to gijoe and the original sunbpw xmen cartoon.

Especially the last season I skipped all together.
if the art trash on xmen in any realm. I ain't going.

So hopefully this art is better.
If it is that heavy black cheap French animation. Everyone used in the 2000's. I will not be pleased.

Art Barr

Yea even as a kid I felt like it had way worse animation and art than for instance Batman TAS and the other cartoons I used to watch. But despite that it was one of my favorite cartoons, easily. But this remake just looks...lifeless. Like some lazy nostalgia bait.

I don't know anything about animation and I was never an anime guy, but one day I'm gonna have to look it up and figure out why cartoons from the 80s-00s just look way better than the weird animation I see today. The movement looks real stilted or something.


Nov 18, 2016
@ PA
As long as they don't have Jean Grey orgasming, and fainting every minute like she did back in the day...:lolbron:



Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
The Jim Lee run on XMen were the GOAT illustrated comics.

Domestically in our era.
I agree.
Wholeheartedly as I am like a disciple of Lee.

Art Barr

parkerlewis historical artist style mental note.

I can only give lee this distinction.

Yet as I get older.
Lee Elias and Kirby have me doubting.
I saw anything but better renditions now at times.
As a matter of fact Lee Elias stuff is the stuff my mind originally thought in and on page really links to as far as an penciler. That I have noticed I am more than likely a natural disciple of Lee Elias then I saw Jim lee.

The internet has been this tool. Whwre I at least can see all the comics I never read internally. Or get the images of the real rendered pencils in digital and even print.

That now Jim lee' and all my I fluency have taken on a new gear mentally. That I think it may be time to imprison my self to the easel I have been avoiding since I was three years old.

As I have avoided being a prisoner and pauper to the easel since I was three. .meaning all the time Kirby Lee and even Elias took at the easel is mind blowing. Then to know Kirby produced on a level that is un matched and only quality of inker separates what I see to think was this vast advancement of Lee from Kirby. When in reality knowing how imprisoned the easel can be. Over tume at this age. Knowing how much time Lee and Kirby and even Elias put in at the easel. I just marvel at them being able to be imprisoned at thr easel and produce. Plus the fact I know having that type of ability to endure is their greatest gift. That I do not want to accept. That for those artist to accept given the lack of pay till Lee too. Is just wild. Like being an artist is the life of a pauper. Most artist know at least from my era. That for Lee Kirby and Elias to endure literall slavery at the easel.
that is just mind blowing.

Like for us to get comics.
Which if not for a black man passing as white.
When i think about comics.
plus jim lee and what he did for an creative.
plus and especially actual graohite pushers not phoney other medium artist.

At thia age.
I still think Jim lee is better than Kirby and Elias. Which is more stuff dealing with freedoms. Than actual Art work.
As lee and Elias knew how to frame panels with this simplicity. That I remember before lee blew my mind on 248. When Silvestre was already there. Is how otherworldly incredible lee is to me as an inspiration and influence. When I think of any thing. Jim lee was like oh this is what I am imagining. Jim lee is that incredible of an actual artist all time in anything.
In any medium

In that though only lee and elias could be better because of their output given the times.. when an artist had no freedoms whatsoever.

Art Barr
Yea even as a kid I felt like it had way worse animation and art than for instance Batman TAS and the other cartoons I used to watch. But despite that it was one of my favorite cartoons, easily. But this remake just looks...lifeless. Like some lazy nostalgia bait.

I don't know anything about animation and I was never an anime guy, but one day I'm gonna have to look it up and figure out why cartoons from the 80s-00s just look way better than the weird animation I see today. The movement looks real stilted or something.

For the gateway to this.

I watch this toy show on youtube. That explains this and is not out of touch like retro blasting was who never saw Robotech at all.

Lemme get the link for you.

The shyt is a wild animation sweatshop style story.

Art Barr
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Sep 11, 2012
Don’t like how clean it looks. Seems to I have captured the feeling of the og tho. I’m cautiously excited because these things never turn out great :francis: