X-Men '97


May 1, 2012
I have no knowledge of the X-men comics or even the events of this show prior to this so Magneto taking over AND trying to stick to Charles vision is wild to me. I would’ve fried everybody in the courthouse that day and killed all peace talks.




Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Gambit fans are shook that she chose Magneto over him...again. That happened all the time. Lol. Only in the 2000s did she really be with Gambit.

That bullshyt would have never popped off if Jim lee was there.

Jim lee definitively had mag show his hand.
in front of and disappoint rogue.
in issue two and three of xmen.
That is how gambit been known about mag and rogue.

Gambit stepped to rogue after they defeated mags in three in xmen four to ten before Jim lee left. You reading them garbage years if xmen continuity no body gives one fukk about and dying for a complete rewrite ala the last failed xmen Krakoa billshyt.
All because they are too stubborn and stoopid to hire Jim shooter.
Who would fix all this shyt snd not give a fukk who you were and plausibly get you removed for making bullshyt that made no sense.

case in point.

since claremont and bryne had some odd fixation crush on jean. Shooter gave them the ultimatum of kill that genocidal bytch or else. In so many words.
which the only reason why xmen has a monetized gateway. No way shooter would allow this or even nocenti. As nocenti would have had a payoff. They should have paid Claremont to come back for this as well.
As it would give him a crqck at telling jean story. As to what if rhey just moved past Phoenix and she never died. This universe would be perfect for him. As he would grt to tell the story from what the real writer would have done differently. Similar to how Kirkman condensed and made invincible better timeline wise in the cartoon.

With this xmen series. Why is Claremontz nocenti ans shooter left out of creative full consultation.


Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

Notice who shows up on panel. With xavier's woman.

Look at the panel.

Up two from the Bottom left hand corner of panels.

Corsair = Cyclops father shows up

There is cyclop's father in the comic book. There pictured and Shows up with lilandra.
In a simple portal panel.

Just like i been saying.
they should have done with this cartoon.

especially if they were gonna try to do.
all this morbid patricide male emasculation meets villain redemption bullshyt.
So fascinated with trying to build up a villain. By killing off via some patricide fascination.
or emasculation of an entire male populated series. Where get this. The females are the leaders and most powered in the series.
plus they missed two chances to have storm comeuppance. Plus showcase a princess. An intergalactic princess in lilandra. You know disney. The princess shyt they do so well.
so instead of pivoting to a series.
to showcase said intergalatic princess. Ssving the galaxy with her man xavier. Plus cyke's father under lilandra's command.
already pictured in panel.
when they save xavier.
That the series had to take a go around. for almost seven print years or less given bi mobthly summer runs.
leading up to uncanny 274-280.
to unify xfactor, and uncanny into two all time selling blockbuster books. That could be made Into the ip cartoon blockbuster gateway to the movie adaptation of continuity.

You got three crossovers.
Along with a team of xmen in:

cyke = saving his kid after comeuppance killig sinister.
Jean grey = killing sinister for infecting her baby.
cypha = making a comeuppance as a young gateway character.
with no offensive powers.

Yet has communication ability with nathan medically.
to heal nathan Gray. With souped up jubilee. Plus you have legs because you can introduce warlock and have the same new mutant bond wolfsbane had with warlock just transported over to jubilee. Simple fix. Plus you get the romance of jubilee and cypha as age appropriate. Plus you get your tragic death separation anxiety romance in the spinoff just like rogue and gambit. Except in the forn of jubilee and Doug. Where it is no harm no foul. If Doug perishes and comes back with virus powers and then returns from the dead after they save baby nate grey. Creating a spinoff called : X MAN
THEN you have xman to showcase nathan grey coming of age in a real world setting and being powerful.

You make cable the alternative version of rachel grey.
You hold csbke in your back pocket for x force as a spinoff of xterminators.
After you make Doug and jubilee the leaders of xfactor.
You never need madelyne Pryor or sinister to do inferno.
You make x factor with:


Rusty & Skids
Wolfsbane : as an older Scottish woman to eventually pair with wolvie.
Sam Guthrie

Xfactor: you can s
You can do inferno easy

You csn spin inferno off after starjammers. Where jubilee and cypha teach the new kids
In x terminators


Cyke gets family bonding with jean xavier and corsair. Lila cheney, havoc Polaris dazzler vulcan warlock etc get introduced in star jammers to save baby nathan gray.
against the dreaded techno orgsnic virus.
Plus the series sets up Vulcan.
Now you got a second long term crossover gateway. With your precious princess disney.
Simple fixes

Stay tuned intergalatic space mutsnt odyssey fans.
For starjammers.

Instead. This series missed another episode in all theri female fascination.
as storm should have been morlock queen. Saving the day with no powers from the sentinels in this episode.
Especially since they are moving so fast. Considering their emasculation slash patricide count. disney must somehow meet quote for internally.
For all their acquired ip's.
While still not understanding.
why marvel disney and the mcu has patricided themselves.
Into becoming dc of the nineties in print the motion picture film version.
By killing Clark and bane breaking batman's back. Except disney hasnot realized the xmen are not a separate ip from marvel. Plus you can not compound deaths of major characters. Then think you are going to walk it back and be a hit afterwards. As you can not even get back.
that original drawing pr ball of steam.
to create a blockbuster.
So after disney marvel redid a version of dc Warner Brothers in print. By killing tiny stark and time blinking captain America away.
Then when rhey get the highest drawing marvel team group ip. They start off by showcasing they learned nuffin and keep xavier dead. Go straight into their patricide villain failed bullshyt playbook of trash can water. Then start to emasculate every male character. In a female dominant universe. While also not understanding diversity or family. Or even children cartoon moral virtue signals. While also being under the disney umbrella.

it is like this company really is only good at patricide or male emasculation. Then thinks they csn apply that to every ip. After they stole kimba the white lion. An obscure anime cartoon from an anime hpuse chopshop they hired. Yet olayed like some nikka in the hood who robs you and acts like you never met. The shyt crazy goofie.
.that disney is going to be back where they were with black hole. While fukking up star wars, and marvel. Plus not having any ip to pivot to. To save them. The shyt going to be some weirdo cluck androgynous pagan dark knight anarchist slit pig mouth joker. burns a hill of cash bonfire big.

When all you had to do was.
Read rhe comic book.

Then say.
Well here is rhe solution in rhe panel here.
you see how simple it was to do this.

instead of all the patricide emasculation i just described in print that disney is doing to make anything marvel in nondrawing flops by dc.

This series should have given us.
What was there in rhe source material.

All ypu had to do was give us what was there.

Given what was in the sourfe material.

This is a simple fix.

Instead of introducing morph.
You have the introduction of warlock captured by sinister.

The introduction of cypha.
Give cypha a romance with jubilee. To build him up without powers.
By being with jubilee as a love interest.
You could have had him decipher the computer code versus MOJO.
Plus encounter the techno organic virus. While fighting MOJO and help soft save and upgrade jubilee powers. There you fixed jubilee. Gave an introduction for a couple and your martyr. To grow up jubilee in the future. Plus two spinoffs and a crossover in that wack 2000 era techno organic phalynx bullshyt.

Plus the creative out to win long term. When jubilee sees Doug going crazy and she brings him back. To finally have a romance that ends in triumph. Plus it shows build up of the younger gen. to ward off the symbiotic connection.
All just from a simple change. You got mileage for the spinoff and crossover. If you wanna harm babies so bad disney.
First you make jean rhe mother.
Why compound Scott having to realize jean is gone and clone and he had clone cookie instead if being with jean. Plus said baby is from a clone. Plus you kidnap the baby and put a virus on the baby.
Where rhe father gets no comeuppance at all. So he gets clone cucked out.
His baby stolen and infected snd rhr villain lives. What type of goofie writes this and thinks this is good.
When it is obvious the writer

You have Cyclops comeuppance.
Killing sinister.
Doug has encountered the techno organic virus.

Doug and beast examine.
Especially since you

scott disintegrating sinister

Cyclops father was there.

Why not just say fukk magneto and have Cyclops father more integral to the story. Especially since the xmen is so summers obsessed anyway.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Let's just say Wolverine ended up disagreeing with his methods and thinks he went too far.

Basically this. Fuk what you heard if you disagree. He put mutantkind on his back and carried them through their darkest hour. Made Xavier and Magneto bow down and kiss the ring.
They turned him into Magneto 2.0. Fraction was obsessed with pushing him..with Jean Grey was alive and around, all of that moxy and strength never existed. The way he was is badically what Polaris was in 2003 after Planet X.