Punk seem like he`s legit mad at something tonight. Glad to know it wasn`t just me who noticed it.
I just realized why Becky ain't fukkin with himPunk seem like he`s legit mad at something tonight. Glad to know it wasn`t just me who noticed it.
Punk seem like he`s legit mad at something tonight. Glad to know it wasn`t just me who noticed it.
Yeah, Punk is definitely one of those dudes who be like "i`m fine, i`m not angry, why would i be angry when i`m here with you guys, and i have the sweetest wife at home". Then say some snarky shyt 2 minutes later.we joke a lot about him, but legit wish this dude could find some peace in his life. he's always mad about something or someone. he's got some demons.
Miss me with that cookout shytPunk recognizing black excellence and saying Keith Lee and Sasha should win the Rumble.
Gotta make room for him at the cookout.
AEW marks.
Honestly, thats the best WWE main event match in MSG
HHH vs HBK vs ??? (Wm20) close 2nd
I agree
I want Brock to win it all at #1 just for the fukkery
Never happened before