I know that when I refer to "grown", I'm referring to how mellow they are on this album. It's mostly calm, laid back, introspective. There's hard;y any cursing on the album, as well. If I could allude to anything, I'd say if Wu-Forever was the young activist, this is the older teacher. That's what I feel from this album.
Everyone keeps mentioning the hook to Miracle, it's not THAT bad. You can tolerate it, and if that hook is taking you out of the album, it's really a shame. Hell, every verse and the beat is great and doesn't clash. I can't force this album on anyone, and I won't try. I actually randomly put it on, and hour ago and was vibing to it. I haven't went back to Ghost. And that has some less than stellar hooks as well.
As for the Clan, I really don't care about their bickering and complaining. They've always been a grumpy bunch, and video shoots and tour appearances were always a crap shoot. I wish more would support this instead of the trash that's favored today.
As for Ghost, he's lost a step. He's gone from colorful and witty to generic thug rapper.